Mothers Life


Mother’s Life

So far, human beings received the Blessings of God… individually, as Grace… and they received their Self Realisation individually, one by one. The method for individual Realisation was just the opposite of the collective… first they had to establish their dharma… cleanse themselves fully… desiring all the time for their salvation… as we call it Ishwara Pranidana… thinking of God… asking for his Grace… and acting in a scrupulously dharmic way, to keep themselves pure… controlling their minds, their desires and their actions… and then only, the Grace of Mother gave them Realisation (1980-0505)

This pattern was on for some time… and those who got Realisation did lots of wonderful things to prepare for Sahaja Yoga. They were in every field of life… but very few and unique… for example, in India, and in many other places in ancient times… they discovered the unique gifts of the Mother Earth… what you call as Swayambhus… those stones or stone images, which were thrown out by the Mother Earth, and discovered by these Saints. They put shrines there, and they worshipped them… and by this they made these images vibrate more… and also to vibrate that area. All over the world, there are such stones… but only the Saints could discover them (1980-0505)

Then they established the importance of virtue in life… and how it can give you health, wealth and prosperity… which is glorified… and not which is degrading. They established schools and Universities… especially in India, where even today the families… carry the name of that University as their Ghotra… and the families belonging to one Ghotra cannot marry. They prepared young children, educated them… that they led a very dharmic life… enjoyed their married life fully… and matured in such a manner that they got their Realisation… and lived a life of complete enjoyment. And thus they, by their example, distracted the attention of the people which was outside, to inner deeper values (1980-0505)

All this permeated a kind of confidence in God, Religion and a very balanced life – they have really done a great job of building the scaffolding… of the huge, great building of Sahaja Yoga… which is going to come now. Their desire to establish Dharma was so great, that the complete Divine force of Mahakali was working through them… and they put it to action with such understanding and such wisdom. Great scriptures were written by them… and for thousands of years, they were the guiding light for people (1980-0505)

Only in the modern times… we should say about one thousand years or so… people started doubting them. Before that people used to doubt themselves… that we are not good enough – but there was no doubting about the Incarnations. All this started toppling down, with the ego developing… and the superego challenging – confusion started coming into the minds of people… they were influenced by many Satanic forces around, and played into their hands… and they started doubting those great Realised People, and all these great Scriptures.

So on one side we have the doubting people… and on the other side, the fanatics – those who try to adhere more and more, to the teachings, had to become fanatics. The ‘real’ Religion in man collapsed… Religion is a continuous living process within, which is our sustainance… it’s like a ladder, on which we climb, step by step… but not leaving the ladder. So… these two types… one doubting… another fanatic… both had not known God… both had not achieved Reality… and they criticised each other… because both of them did not know what truth was (1980-0505)

I took my birth at a point where this confusion had started showing it’s results… even on a physical plane. When I started looking around, I was amazed how ignorance had made people naïve

– though formerly people had this much understanding, this much sensitivity to know, what is right and what is wrong – in this confused situation, I was born. I knew I was to open the Sahastrara… so I started my work, after my first shocks (1980-0505)

I decided not to talk about it to anyone… and to lead a very normal life… of a very ordinary person… not to be very striking… because like Christ, when he was born, a star came up… that’s how the King Herod came to know about him… and you know the story, what happened. If you are born with any striking signs, the negativity immediately finds you out. As it is, it found me out… and just after the fifteenth day of my birth there was a very big accident as you know (1980-0505)

I had to really work very very hard to enter into your being… to find out… first of all… your basic problems… and then the different permutations and combinations… and then these were also capped by other identifications… like the society in which you were born… like the nation in which you were born… like the ideas that were there. All these things became much more important than the original universal being within you… and every individual had taken a very odd funny awkward type of a shape, which I didn’t know how to reduce… by which they could start their growth (1980-0505)

It was a very hard work… nights after nights I used to work… while leading a very ordinary life of a very normal person. I used to behave like a very simple ordinary student… and show all my ignorance about things… but sometimes you know, truth has an awkward habit of slipping out… and it used to show itself. One of the biggest problems of human beings, I found was family life… and that’s why I married… I wanted to study what are the problems of family life… and so I started facing these problems as if they were my own… and then other problems like political, economic… and all these problems also… because they became so important for human beings… but which are of absolutely artificial value. A sort of a human behaviour science I had to study for years (1980-0505)

And then… as you reach a point where all the knots are opened out… and one knot is still left… which is to be opened out… and that was done on 5th May 1970. Then the collective phenomenon started working… and the greatest of these was that the Shri Chakra, being on this Earth, could be felt through your fingers… this was never before so – nobody felt the vibrations on the fingers as such… but they felt it within themselves. Now, because the Sahastrara of the Universe was opened out, everybody started feeling the vibrations around them with their own hands… now the fingers… could feel the vibrations… that means the sensitivity of the Divine which was in the chakras spread out to the periphery to such an extent that a human being could feel it on the fingers… this was fantastic (1980-0505)

So my job was to move from the centre to the periphery… and whatever are the obstacles I met, I had to clear them out, one after another. But then, I must say that, Sahaja Yoga when it started working out… I was given very great workers, tools of Sahaja Yoga… who took it upon themselves, as their own responsibility… and they really worked very hard with me… very few… but they did. The rest of them… can be divided into many categories… some came for their own treatments, or something like that, of a very low level… or some, when they got their Realisation, they brought all their sick relations to me… then some came for their financial and all sorts of mental problems… and some came for their family and spiritual problems… but the ones who took it up as their own responsibility, that this is what they have to do, this is their life, this is what their complete meaning is… they put entirely their attention to it… they worked it out, whatever was possible on their own level (1980-0505)

So today we have to understand… that we really need those brave people… and those people who feel responsible. It is a very important virtue of Sahaja Yogis. The main thing is… what are you doing for Sahaja Yoga… what you can do… how far you can go… how you are going to work it out. In every walk of life… those who really work it out as a great responsibility upon themselves are the ones who will be given more and more powers, and chances (1980-0505)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1980-0505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good

– end – 18 Jun 2003