


The sister of Ravana, who tried to entice Shri Rama, in Nasik (1985-0000.2); Now-a-days in India any woman who tries to entice men is called as Shuparnaka (1985-0000.2); Shuparnaka… a very ugly woman, who came to entice Rama. Then Lakshmana, the brother of Shri Rama became very angry with Shuparnaka and cut her nose… and it was in Nasik. Nasika means the nose (1987-1004)

Tape References

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1985-0000.2 Nasik talk – see 1985-0000.1 good 25

1987-1004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama – Les Avants, Switzerland good 70

– end – 19 Oct 2003