Six Enemies


Six Enemies

Christ came on this Earth with a very great vision… because he wanted to open the Agnya chakra… and for that he had to sacrifice his life… and in that he has shown that if you have to rise above this mundane superficial life you have to… in a way sacrifice… sacrifice all your 6 enemies (2000-1225)… Anger… Greed… Lust… Jealousy… Vanity… and Attachment (1986-0823.2)

First of all… the temper or anger… replace temper with compassion… secondly which most of you have done, is to retract your attention from perversion. But still you are egoistical, i.e. vanity… and still people are jealous, competitive… and still you have some lurking materialism… and a new thing that is coming is you are getting attached, to your families (1983-0321)

The first one is anger… you have to be angry with yourself when you do wrong things… and not to feel guilty, but angry with yourself for doing wrong things… angry with yourself when you feel guilty… anger against yourself, and not against others (1983-0321)

Sex, the perversion, has to be directed towards… your wife… and you have to respect your chastity… you lead a chaste life… of balance and understanding… in a very chaste way you can live. The women should not join hands with other men who talk against your husbands. All such men should be thrown out of Sahaja Yoga, who tell women against their husbands… you should not interfere against the husband… nobody has the right (1983-0321)

Vanity must be made into pride… you should be proud that you are Sahaja Yogis. Actually pride is nothing but the expression of self esteem. Self esteem is very different from ego… one is Reality, the other is complete artificiality. Self esteem will give you that kind of dynamism which is needed for Sahaja Yoga… a discreet, a wise dynamism; Men should behave like men… they have to lead the society (1983-0321)

Competition and jealousy should be brought round… there should be competition between… the one that you ‘were’… and what you ‘are’… your ‘present’ should go faster, and faster… leaving this ‘past’ behind as much as you can. There should be no competition between Sahaja Yogis in acquisition… or in shouting, screaming and being harsh to others… let us have competition in compassion, in mildness, in sweetness, in beautiful behaviour… who is more cultured… more gentlemanly… who is deeper. The competition between women and men must be stopped… women must have their own place… and men must have their own place. So the competition should end in sharing (1983-0321)

Materialism should be taken to it’s beauty… the beauty in matter… you can see in all that is beautiful, the reflection of God’s creative power… and the joy that he wanted to emit for your happiness (1983-0321)

Last of all is the attachment to your children, to your wife, your…your… whatever is mine is not ‘I’… this ‘my’ must be given up… instead… you should say ‘we’… is better to address yourself in the third person… as Mr… Mrs… or Miss… then you will see the joke behind the whole thing… you’ll know how to laugh at yourself… it will give you that sense of security. You must stand for your husband or your wife, or for your children, when it is right… but ‘obviously’ you should not do it… ‘apparently’ you should not do it (1983-0321)

So this will overcome the six enemies… and make them your slaves – use them for your purpose… then they’ll become great things… they’ll be your decorations (1983-0321)

In Sanskrit they call it… we have 6 enemies… Kaam or sexual perversion… Krodh, anger… Mada, pride… Matsara, jealousy… Doba, greed… and Moha, attraction. All these 6 things that we had in our mind out of our ignorance, our upbringing, our reading… just drops out when the Kundalini rises and you become one with the Divine… they just drop out… so you go into a new realm of Divine construction within you… this is the real resurrection of human beings (2000-0423)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

2000-1225 Christmas Puja, G’pule – see 2000-1225.2

1986-0823.2 Gita, Lac Noir – see 1986-0823.2 good 30

1983-0321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma’s 60th B’day Puja, Sydney good 50 1986-0823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir

2000-0423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60 2000-1225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule good 20

2000-1225.2 Christmas Puja, G’pule/New Years Eve Puja, Kalwe

– end – 5 Oct 2002