Subtle System


Subtle System

The right side power is the power of Creativity… of Saraswati. Whatever we desire, we create. Also this power looks after the body, the 5 elements within us. These two powers within us… one which caters for our psyche, and the other for our creativity… are coordinated, looked after, supported by the central power, which we call as the power of Mahalakshmi… which also gives us our nature as a human being… and is the evolutionary power… which acts… otherwise how did we evolve. And on this power only… by the Grace of this power, the Kundalini… the God incarnates… his evolutionary power incarnates… Vishnu incarnates… Narayana incarnates… on this Earth to evolve people to the human stage… and later on, to the super-human stage (1980-0102)

The Kundalini is the Residual force… after creating the whole thing… the whole body… it remains just the same… there… she is the power that is ‘your’ Mother… own Mother… she is the complete Subconscious… or you can say the complete Mahakali power that you have. She has recorded all the small small things you have done… all the wrong things you have done… and she sits there waiting… so we say she is sleeping… but she is recording everything… and she is waiting there. She knows whatever you have done… and she knows what you desire… she is your loving Mother… she is settled down in the Triangular Bone down below there… in the end of the spinal cord… that is a sacred place… and she is waiting there to arise. You have the most special thing within you, hidden… which is the source of all the Joy… all the Peace… all the Knowledge. You have to have authority, to raise the Kundalini… it’s not an easy thing to raise the Kundalini… one must have an authority from God… and that authority is within (1980-0102)

Now, one may come and ask… ‘Mother, how will Kundalini solve the problem of poverty’. Why are you so poor – you are poor because your Lakshmi power has not been awakened… why… because you have insulted it. If you know how to awaken your Lakshmi Tattwa, you can be very rich… not only rich, but you will become a Lakshmipati… in the sense that… you will be satisfied (1980-0102); You can see with your naked eyes… the rising of the Kundalini… if you have a stethoscope, you can feel (1980-0102)

This Kundalini exists… and there are 7 centres within us which manifest outside, in the gross, all the plexuses that the doctors know of. When you get your Realisation… the Kundalini rises, and passes through the Brahma Nadi… and pierces the Fontanelle Bone Area, which is called as Brahmarandra… and you become one, with the All Pervading Power. And what is the sign… is Saleelum Saleelum… the Cool Breeze which starts flowing… the Vibrations start flowing. When they are emitted, these 5 fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 6 and 7… these are the 7 centres in the hands, on the sympathetic nervous system… they get enlightened… and you start feeling in others and in yourself… your inner being… you start feeling what is the matter with another person’s chakras and centres… which are the undercurrent of all the problems… physical, mental, emotional, financial, economic, political… every problem. These are the undercurrents which you start feeling… within yourself, because it’s Self Realisation… and in another person also because your Collective Consciousness is being awakened. You become ‘Collectively Conscious’ is the point I am trying to make… it’s not lecturing… it’s no brain wash… you become. Now you must settle down with it… but it requires a calibre (1980-0102)

So I have to, again and again request you, that please, after getting Realisation also, don’t think about it… why… because by thinking you cannot get it… it is beyond thought. Rationality is limited… you have to go beyond rationality… like… when I came to this room… I had to give up my car – in the same way… if you start thinking about it… it goes away (1980-0102)

Tape References

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1980-0102 God’s Love, Patkar Hall – see 1980-0102 Poor 50

1980-0102 God’s Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi

– end – 20 Jun 2003