顶轮 Sahasrara Chakra

New Delhi (India)

1983-02-04 Sahasrara Chakra, The Essence Of Sahasrara Is Integration, New Delhi, India, DP, 90' Chapters: Talk, Q&A, Self-RealizationDownload subtitles: CS,EN,LT,NL,PT (5)View subtitles:
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顶轮 Sahasrara Chakra

1983年2月4日 德里

Today is the last day in this pendal and today I’ll be telling you about the last centre of Sahasrara.
They are all coming. If I come late it is better, I think [Laughing]. Still I was quite late I was thinking. Do you think this is needed on the eyes so much or are you not getting my picture just? This one if you could little bit push it the other way. This one is too much. That’s thank you.

今天我会讲关于最后一个轮穴­_____顶轮。顶轮在大脑边缘系统处。我们的头脑像一个椰子。椰子有须毛、跟着是硬壳,然后是黑色包裹,内层是白肉。这是椰子的外壳,内里是椰水。人脑同样是这样构造,故人脑称为“Shriphal”,椰子是生果中的“Shri”力量,Shri 的力量是右边的力量,左边的力量是 Lalita。我们有两个轮穴,左边是月轮 Lalita,右边是日轮 Shri Chakra。这两个轮穴的工作在右边是摩诃莎维德丽(Mahasawasrati)的力量,左边是摩诃迦利(Mahakali)的力量。中间的力量则是灵量。灵量要在中脉上升,升到大脑的边缘系统,然后启发在其下面的所有轮穴。灵量穿越六个轮穴,然后启发大脑的七个轮穴的宝座(Pithas)。宝座在大脑边缘系统(limbic area)中部,大脑后部代表根轮的部分先受启发,跟着是真知轮、脐轮、心轮、喉轮、额轮,最后这六个轮穴连成一起,成为顶轮。这是十分重要的,日轮在右边工作,月轮在左边工作。若灵量不上升,我们的脑袋只能作用于右边的肉身及心智活动。我们的大脑作用于右边,此所以人脑称为 Shripal。

     顶轮实际上是整合了下面的六个轮穴,顶轮上有一千条经脉(神经线),当光穿进边缘系统,这些经脉就会得到启发,你可看见经脉像火焰,十分柔和地燃烧,这些光焰有七种颜色,最后像水晶般清澈。我们顶轮有一千块花瓣。若我们将大脑横切或纵切,会看到在边缘系统的经脉有如花瓣状,以及一束束的经脉。故若得到启发,你会看见顶轮一束束的火焰。若大脑里的灵量得到启发,大脑便能领悟真理,大脑看见并进入真理。一直以来,我们头脑所认识的都不是真理,所见的只是表面。例如颜色,你们可看见颜色之美,对象的质素,但你不能知道这张地毯是否曾有圣人用过,你不能知这地毯是由恶魔制造的,还是上天圣人制造的,你不能知道这人是好人还是邪恶的人,你不能知道这神祇是否从大地之母处来,你不能知道这人是好人还是坏人。你不能知道你的亲友是好是坏,不知道他和好人交往还是和坏人交往。是连接到邪恶的一面,还是美好的一面。好是指属于上天,但你不能知道一切属于上天的,除非你的灵量升到大脑边缘系统并启发了你,否则你不能知道上天的一切。因为上天是不能透过脑袋去理解的,除非灵体的光照亮了大脑。灵体(the Spirit)是表现在心,灵体的中心在心。但其实灵体的位置是在心之上,头之上,而这个永恒的灵我们称之为全能的神,或Parvardigar,或称 Sadashiva,Rahim,或任何对全能的神的称呼,Niranjan,Nirankar,任何名字是以Nir或Nihi为开头的。现在,在身体的不同中心,你得到不同的喜乐。不同的中心有不同的喜乐,亦有名字称呼这不同的喜乐,若灵量上升,你便得到,但灵量升上顶轮,你便会得到Niranand,即无边的喜乐。Ni即没有其他,只是喜乐。我的名字叫Neera,在家中我被称为Neera。而“Neera”的意思是玛利亚(Mary,Marium),因为这意思是汪洋,而Neera是水,Neer在梵文的意思是水。在大脑中称为Niranand。












故此当灵量上升,到达大脑,进入顶轮,首先要通过的是Ekadasha rudra,那里有十一种毁灭的力量,每边五个,中间一个。这是我们里头的障碍,是由我们犯下的两类罪恶造成。若我们拜假导师,把自己投入他们那里,便会在右边出现rudra的问题,右边那五个便完了。若你曾拜过那些错误的人,敌对神的人,问题便在右边出现。若你曾以为可以照顾自己,是自己的导师,没有人可以教你,不听任何人说话,不相信神,不关心有没有神,如果你有这些想法的话,你右边不会感染,但左边却会受感染,因为右边移向左边,左边移向右边。这里是十个力量,还有一个是 Virata Vishnu。因为在我们的胃部是十大宗师的所在,再加上一位是毗湿奴。故此,若追求错误,那十大宗师的部位便完了,于是你出现Ekadasharudra的问题。若这些在你里面已形成,一个在左边,另一个在右边,那些人崇拜错误的人,便会发展出一种性向及人格,很容易染上癌症或其他不治之症。









     力量是发自内在的,永恒的灵给你力量。且付出意志的力量,让永恒的灵工作,然后根据永恒的灵行事。当你开始按永恒的灵行事,便发觉不会受任何事物奴役。你成为“Samartha”,”Sam”意即等同你的意思,Sam + Artha 是 Samartha,意即强大的人格。你要发展出强大的人格,没有脾气,没有错误念头,没有阻塞,没有问题。


     就是这样简单,你们被整合。透过整合,你有力量去做你所明白的,你有力量去感受你所明白的快乐。故此你会进入无边的喜乐(Niranand)这个层次。你会发展出纯洁的喜乐,你完全成为永恒的灵。在无边的喜乐这个层次再没有二元性,是 Adwaita(即没有二元性),是一个人格。即是说你完全得到整合,喜乐再不会有缺陷,而是完全的。再没有喜乐及忧愁两面,但只是喜乐。那喜乐不是指大笑,也不是指经常微笑。不是。而是宁静,内里真我的宁静,你自身,你灵体的平安,化为你所感受到的生命能量。当你感受到这平安,你好像感受到阳光,整个光线的优美在散播。


要照顾顶轮,重要的是在冬季把头盖上。在冬季最好把头盖上,这样脑袋不会被冷坏,因为脑袋是由 medha 即脂肪组成,故不能遇骤冻。而且亦不要令头上有太多热力。要保持头脑良好,不要像西方人那样坐在太阳下终日曝晒。那样,你的脑袋溶化,你会成为发狂的人,这是人们走向疯狂的显示,我已向你多次说过,不要令头上有太多的热。即使坐在太阳下,也要把头盖上,这十分重要。但这只是间中做,不要终日把头盖上,因为你会令头脑终日沉重,这样血液流通便差,你也会出现血液循环不良。故此有时要打开头脑接触太阳或月亮。否则你便会疯癫,住进精神病院里。任何我告诉你们的,你们要知道,在霎哈嘉瑜伽里不要走向极端。即使在水中做足浴,有人会坐上三小时。我从没有叫人这样做。你只须坐上十分钟,但要全心的。若我告诉他们甚么,他们会连续这样做上四小时,这是没有需要的。只做十分钟。给你的身体不同的治疗法,不要终日只做一种。你的身体会闷透了,会完全负荷过重。若你对人说,这是你的口诀(mantra),好吧!你便这样做,直至轮穴好了。假设有个螺丝是放在这里的,好了,你就把螺丝钻进上。钻上了便不要继续钻下去。你是否要继续不停钻下来,直至一切都完全破坏?最好你们要用智慧。为了那智能,要知道格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)及耶稣基督是在两边的位置。这里是摩诃格涅沙(Mahaganesha)(后部),这里是耶稣(前部)。两者都帮助你改正你的视野,理解,并给你智慧。故此智慧不是要干某种事情。霎哈嘉瑜伽修习者不是顽固的人。若他们固执,就得不到进步。你不是要去固执于一些念头或执着于某些人。你要时常在流通,这不是说你要在那里跌下,而人们说:「啊!你很快学会,因为你要跌下去。」你一定要升进,而不是跌落。



我希望经过这些讲授,你们大部分的轮穴都得以打开。这全是我的工作。但你们也有一点家课。你要为自己去做,要保持警觉。尝试像照镜那样看自己,看自己是否诚实,是否清洁,在集体中是否友善,这在霎哈嘉瑜伽里十分重要。若你不合群,滑稽古怪,不能与人沟通,那一定有地方出问题。你要面对自己,改正自己。你将自己分离出来看自己,然后清洁。好像我脱下纱丽,才能清洁它。同样你要将自己分离,然后清洁自己。这就是霎哈嘉瑜伽修习者进步的方法。若那个人得到升进,其余一切都会升进。很多这类霎哈瑜伽修习者都能给人深刻的印象。很多人都得到升进,故此整体升进得很快。但那些升得很高的人不是为了自己升得很高,这是很重要的。那些以为别人比自己好的,也是错误,因为事实不是这样。整体是一起升进的,任何人都不必觉得比别人差,也不应有任何人感到低下或受侮辱。因为上天不是这样看问题的。这些细微的事你们都要注意。在这过渡期(Krita Yuga)是十分容易得到自觉(Atma Sakshatkar)的。今天我说了不少关于顶轮的知识。

I think today I have told you quite a lot about Sahasrara but if you have any problem about Sahasrara you may ask Me now but only about Sahasrara and nothing else. It’s better to ask Me questions about Sahasrara instead of all other things.

[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi aside: Do like this, keep them both, keep this on top of the other.]
You can ask Me questions.
[Shri Mataji speaks aside in Hindi: Spread it like this. Just spread one and see. It’s better now. The chair is not comfortable. The seat is… Ok, let it be. These plastic things…
What is the question? What is he saying?]
[The question in Hindi is about “samadha” and “bindu“].

Shri Mataji: Yes, this is the trouble with you. You read some nonsensical books “samadhi”, “bindu”, this, that, all that. Now please forget it, please forget all these things. “Sama-dhi”, “samadhi” means, first is the nirvichara samadhi [thoughtless awareness]. First is nirvichara samadhi that you achieve and the Kundalini just comes out of your head. “Sama-dhi” means, the “dhi” means the “buddhi” [intellect in a large sense]. And when it has got enlightenment it means Samadhi. So, first of all, the buddhi gets enlightened – just now I told you about that only, the first enlightenment.
Now, the Bindu and this and that are higher stages [Shri Mataji puts her hand above Sahasrara]. Ardha Bindu, then Bindu and then Valaya. But you should not be futuristic, just now if you have read some book no use trying to show off that. That’s not a good thing. Just try to see what you are. Why do you want to talk about things which – which do not concern at this stage?
Just now, supposing you are going by bullock cart, why do you want to ask about the aeroplane? Just now you go by bullock cart, then you get into the train, then you get into the airplane. All right? One by one, not like this. Because you have read the book, it’s not -doesn’t mean that you are supposed to know everything. All these books are written by some sort of prankish fellows who have read something here and there and have put it down. But you must experience. I’m your Mother, so I don’t want to give you big ideas, this and that. I want you to do the way we have to move. As a mother would say, “Now, this is the way you are. Now you are in the first class, so pass your first exam. Then you’ll go into the second class, then pass your exam”. Everybody has to go that way to mature properly; there should be no immaturity in a personality. So, all these books that you have read you better throw them away, it’s no good. But if it is by some Realized souls you can keep them and think that they are higher people and we have to be at their stage. Only by reading the book you don’t become those personalities, do you?

[Shri Mataji speaks aside in Hindi: What next?
Sahaja Yogi: Similar question.
Shri Mataji: Similar questions.

Shri Mataji: All such questions are there, one better than the other. I’ll tell you it is such a empty thing, how can you be satisfied with empty things? You haven’t got anything.
First of all, achieve a state. First of all, settle down, gradually you will know about it. By reading books you do not become anyway Realized soul, do you?
According to Mr. Kulkarni all questions are of this type, they are of no use. That only means that you have read some books, that’s all, finished, nothing more there. And it’s true. If you have just read some books you are just coming and quoting here, no use. Gradually come up. If you are honest and if you want to have it, then come up gradually. Just don’t try to show off anything.

You better give him writing. [The questions will be written and a Sahaja Yogi will read them]

Sahaja Yogi: There are request that, You please give a part of your lecture in Hindi, because some people cannot understand English, they find it difficult.
Shri Mataji: All right. You see, now I’ve given My lecture in English. But I give my lectures in Hindi also in different places. Here I’m giving in English. So those who want to hear Me in Hindustani can come to other programs.

[Shri Mataji conversing in Hindi:
Where is it on the 7th?
Sahaja Yogi: 7th in Delhi University Mother, Gandhi Bhavan
Shri Mataji: Ah?
Sahaja Yogi: Delhi University – Gandhi Bhavan
Shri Mataji: Gandhi Bhavan in Delhi I’ll speak in Hindi.
After that?
Sahaja Yogi: 7th evening. 7th evening.
Shri Mataji: Ah?
Sahaja Yogi: 7th in the evening
Shri Mataji: 7th in the evening, you come there. Will tell you in Hindi. I speak in all languages. Will tell you in Hindi. Then we are going to Kalkaji on the 10th. Then where are we going? Where are we going on the 9th?
Sahaja Yogi: On 9th Mother, Jangpura. Jangpura
Shri Mataji: On 9th we are going to Jangpura. There all speak in Hindi. Had recently gone to a temple and spoken in Hindi there.
Sahaja Yogi: On 8th Safdarjung Enclave
Shri Mataji: On 8th at Safdarjung Enclave. You take all the addresses. You come there. I will speak in Hindi there. And then these poor English people who have come, they just sit in meditation. They never say, “You speak in English. We have come from so far, spending so much of money”. No one says like that.]
Sahaja Yogi: One question is there – pustaki [bookish].
Shri Mataji: Ah?
Sahaja Yogi: There is a bookish question.
Shri Mataji: Pustaki?]

[Shri Mataji is laughing].

Shri Mataji: He calls it pustaki [bookish], pustaki questions, pustaki. You see, it is nothing Divine, it’s all pustaki. This is true. That’s why I used to wonder why Kabirdasa said, “Padi padi pandita moorakha whai” [on reading, the learned become stupid]. Now I know why he said it, because by reading people really become funny and they just try to test Me, my knowledge, or trying to show off their own knowledge. Ka pustaki? What bookish?

Sahaja Yogi: What is relation between Kundalini, prana and astral body and soul. Are they same, but different forms?
Shri Mataji: Astral body, prana…
Question: Kundalini and soul.
Shri Mataji: Soul. Now this gentleman who has asked the question perhaps has come only today. Otherwise, I’ve explained most of these things. But for your benefit I’ll tell you.

First is Kundalini. Kundalini is the pure desire to be one with God and this energy is placed in the sacrum bone, which is awakened when some authorized person from God can raise it. This is Kundalini, is pure desire. Now, prana is the Shakti, expression of the Shakti of the right-side, that is Mahasaraswati Shakti, is created out of five elements, called prana.
Astral – what – Astral body?
Sahaja Yogi: Astral bodies.
Shri Mataji: Astral bodies are in simple Hindi language are “bhoots” and they are the people who just come into your being and take your soul out. Never try these tricks, never. These tricks are tried in America very much. And I’ve told them not to try such tricks and horrible things are happening because a person living in Geneva had a child and in are you know English people don’t keep their children sleeping with them. So, the child used to sleep in another room and the lady, her grandmother, who was fond of this child wanted to talk to the child through this astral body business. And every night she used to talk to the child.

Ultimately, so happened, that the soul of the child which she used to call out, could not return back to the body and got lost and the child died. It has so many problems, astral body things have, that it is nothing but a dead soul from the left or the right can come into you and can carry your soul outside your body and you can be lost, you can be dead. So, this is something going just the other way round than the Kundalini awakening. By Kundalini awakening, your Prana Shakti and your Mana Shakti [left-side] are integrated and you become one with the Divine so your Super Consciousness is awakened.

[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.]

Sahaja Yogi: I can feel the Kundalini reaching my head, but I can’t feel it come out and I can’t feel the cool vibrations.
Shri Mataji: That is good. Somebody is feeling the Kundalini on their head, that is what Kabirdasa has clearly said: “Shunnya shikhara para anahada baje re”. So, the “anadahatha” is hitting the fontanel bone, but it is not coming out, that’s it. Then, means it has not broken the Brahmarandra, as simple as that. Till it has not broken the Brahmarandra you cannot feel the cool breeze, it’s absolutely spontaneous, it has to work out that way. So is correct, your Brahmarandra is not broken, that is your stage. So, it has to break and the reason for that is something wrong with your heart. If your heart is clean it will break, if your heart is strong it will break, but if you have a weak heart also it will not break, if you’re suffering from heart trouble it will not break. It has something to do with your heart. If you are a seeker of other things than Spirit also it may not break. So, there are many reasons various reasons why this Brahmarandra won’t break. But what is a reason that we have to find out – yourself, you can face yourself and find out what’s the matter.

[Conversation in Hindi.
Shri Mataji: Give them, give it to them.
Lady: About the vibrations, I wrote.
Shri Mataji: What about vibrations you wrote child?
Lady: Just now they told.
Shri Mataji: Brahmarandra. We’ll work it out; we’ll work it out for you, all right?
Sit down, doesn’t matter. We’ll work it out, don’t you worry, it will work out. It takes sometimes little time, doesn’t matter. Why should you have fear about it? Just it will work out.
Lady: I have a headache, right away.
Shri Mataji: Yes, we’ll work it out. All right? It will work out.

Who else, what else is there?
Sahaja Yogi: One man says he had met Muktananda, now he finally wants to be closely with your Sahaja Yoga meditation centre: “I fully believe that we will be able to achieve the main aim of life by this Realization. Mother please advise and awaken our Kundalini so as to get rid of all physical and mental ailments.”

Shri Mataji: Ah! This Muktananda! “Are baap re baap”! [Oh God! God gracious!] Terrible fellow. Hum. There is a mantra for him. Who are the people of Muktananda? Just raise your hands please. Those who have written this letter about Muktananda, raise your hands please.
So now, we’ll tell you the mantra how to get rid of the problems, all right? There’s a mantra for that who he was in the past life and all that, I know and we know how to get rid of it. But you have to religiously do it, religiously do it and you’ll get rid of. I know it has it has done lot of harm to many people. But if those who are not anymore into the clutches, we can work it out, alright? So, all those who are wanting to know about it you will know in our centres or if you can come on the sides, I’ll ask somebody to help you, all of those of that kind. Now, what else is there?

[Conversation in Hindi.
Question: 10-year-old kid has given.
Shri Mataji: Ah?
Question: A 10-year-old kid has written. There is a 10-year-old kid. “I am a 10-year-old kid and I study in class 4. Can I be awakened Mother? If yes, then kindly awaken me”.
Shri Mataji: Yes, yes definitely. If he is 10 years old, he will get Realization first.
Question: I am first in studies. Respect my mother and father. Let me be good in Sahaja Yoga. I am in front of you. Many salutations.
Shri Mataji: Ok you come this side. Everyone will get Realization

Those who have not got Realization should come on this side and that side and all of them should be worked out. We have lots of Sahaja Yogis from all over the world and everybody must get Realization, no doubt about it.

Question: Physically I am fit, no heart problems. My problem is that I think too much about myself. Result is that I have become a psychic case.
Shri Mataji: All right, those who are a psychic case also should come this side, I will tell them how it arises, from where, all right?

Sahaja Yogi: Kindly advise: “Being a new Sahaja Yogi, may I practice meditation in office keeping Your photo before me? During office hours some time we have spare time gossiping, taking tea etc. I want that time to be utilized in Sahaja Yoga meditation in office. Although I started doing meditation in my house before going to sleep, kindly advise and give all alternatives.

Shri Mataji: No, not in the office, you cannot do meditation in the office at all. You see, you have to be very careful. Actually, you see, office people are so gross and they will never understand Sahaja Yoga. So, best thing is first to talk to them about Sahaja Yoga, not about Me, don’t even show them my photograph, because it’s very funny that some people who see my photograph are frightened, they can’t see Me. If they are possessed, they even shake before Me. So, it’s better not to tell them about Me, but about Sahaja Yoga, how you are helped. Gradually with great care, like a nice mother you must bring them to the position where they can receive Realization. And then gradually open the thing, but not in the office, please, no, not in the office. You have to do it at home and you have to do it in the group where you meet in the centres. That you must do every week, that is very important. And once a month in the ashram, once a month in the ashram.

Question: Man says should one do yogic asanas and pranayamas? Should one do transcendental meditation, second question?
Shri Mataji: Cha transcendental kakya? [What transcendental, what?]
Seeker: Transcendental Meditation.
Shri Mataji: Should we do?
Seeker: TM.
Shri Mataji: He’s done. [Laughter]. He’s done all that?
Now, about pranayama and about, I’ve already talked about it, but you might come now. Pranayam and all these physical exercises of Hatha Yoga now I’ve already told that in Sahaja Yoga we too do some exercises, it’s quite a lot. For physical fitness sometimes, sometimes for adjusting our Chakras and all that and for improving the back bone, we do exercises. But we have to know what chakra is catching, there’s a science. It’s not done that your throat is bad and you are doing all the asanas for the stomach. All the asanas are not done. Like taking all the medicines at the same time. One is for cold, one is for heat, it’s like that, all the medicines we don’t take. So, according to need of the person we do pranayama also we do according to the need of the person. Gradually we understand what is wrong with us and that’s how we do the asana. Not blindfolded. First thing. Then about transcendental meditation less said the better. You have to see for yourself what others have achieved, you see. When you go to guru you must first find out how much money he takes. If he takes the money, just don’t go, first thing.

Secondly, how does he live, what is his style of life. Thirdly what others have achieved, what is their condition. Most of the disciples of transcendental meditations are now beggars on the street. And some of them are epileptic patients, I have seen so many getting epilepsy. So, if you have done transcendental meditation, it is not meditation but it is anti-God thing.
So you have to first neutralize yourself, come down to normal conditions and then you receive your Realization. We have a lady here who was a granddaughter of a Duke. She lost all her money and her husband was the director of one of these “flying squads” that he was having. He lost all his money and became bankrupt, this lady got epilepsy, he got epilepsy, her child got epilepsy, all of them got epilepsy. They came to Sahaja Yoga when they had nothing with them. Today, they are all right, all corrected and they are doing well. But we do not take a guarantee on anything because you have to also decide in your mind that you are not going to have these funny ideas, because some of the TM people who come are so arrogant so egoistical, that it is impossible to manage them. So, it is your need, not our need and that’s how you should come to a doctor as a patient comes. Then only it will work out. Otherwise don’t waste our time, please.

That? Now all the questions are over and for the last time, let us go into meditation here in this hall.

[The seat where Shri Mataji is sitting is being adjusted.
Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: “There is a cushion under You also, that’s why you are feeling uncomfortable” “There is a cushion under you also that’s why you are uncomfortable” …
Shri Mataji – “But, no I wanted that. It’s a very, very – ‘put it at the back’, it’s a very uncomfortable seat you see. Just sitting for such a long time, is impossible. [In Hindi] Have to raise all the Kundalini from the back. Need to put a lot of pressure from the back. Not able to put pressure”.]

Please close your eyes.
[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi: All of you close your eyes. In Sahaja Yoga you don’t have to understand the language. Because for this work, it does not involve your brain. It happens with the movement of your hand. You completely close your eyes. But you don’t have to close it tightly. Just close it normally.]
Keep yourself steady.
[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi:
Steady yourself a bit. On steading yourself, keeping the eyes closed, put your hands towards Me. And don’t bend your neck backwards or forwards. Just sit steadily. Look towards yourself, don’t think about others. Keeping your eyes closed, look at yourself. This is your physical state. The mental state should be such that it is not a very serious thing. It is a play to your mind – a game. That is why maintain a pleasant attention, pleasant attention. It does not mean that you laugh and sit. But be in joyous state. Don’t be in troubled state. There will be no problem. You will not be troubled. Very easily the Kundalini can be awakened. That’s why without any tension, sit very comfortably. Absolutely no tension.
Don’t hang your head backwards or bend it downward. Keep your neck in the centre.

There should be no shaking, nothing, be steady, be steady.
[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi:
Stay still. No moving. The bodily gestures, nothing needs to be done. Be calm. It is a happening within. This is ‘antar yog’. It happens on the inside.]

Keep your attention towards the fontanel bone area, towards the Brahmarandra. Keep both the hands strait towards Me, strait. Not towards yourself, but keep both the hands strait towards Me.
Now. Now see for yourself from your head with your right hand on top of your head, if there’s a cool breeze coming out.

[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi:
Hold it on top. Hold it on top, without touching. All of you can see. All of you see, not that some people are seeing and some are not. Now raise both your hands to the top towards Me, raise both your hands. Now ask one question, “Mother, is this the Brahma Shakti?” Ask in your mind. First time your will feel the Brahma Shakti on your hands. First time this subtle Shakti you have felt. Because you are subtle. Now bring your hands down. Now remain calm. Don’t do too much of arguments. Because this cannot be taught through an argument and neither can it be understood by arguing. That’s why all those who have felt it stay calm. And for those it did not work out, for them, if they wish to achieve it, then come to the centre. If you wish you can come this side. These people will see them.
After this there are three more programs. You should definitely come there. And next year I will come here again. Every year I come. Every year, you should be progressing more. You should grow. Slowly everything is growing.
Those people who did not feel the cool breeze, if they come this side or this side, these people will see them
Shri Mataji: Gavin? Gavin?
Sahaja Yogi: There is a small announcement…

[end of recording]