耶诞崇拜 印度普尼1986年12月25日

Pune (India)

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基督的降临是件大事,就如我曾经告诉你,是为了建立额轮。祂出生在地球的时间比祂的意识出生早得多,这个绝对的意识以耶稣基督的形相出生。只有你是有自觉的灵才能解释祂的一生,不然你不能解释基督 — 祂是谁,祂如何成就事情— 你也知道,很多事情仍很难在霎哈嘉瑜伽中解释,你只是不停的看到事情发生。今天,你看到湖中有喷泉涌出,没有人能解释为何会这样,即使工程师也解释不了,没有人能解释为何会这样,它就是发生了,水受激发,感受到上天,就开始活泼地倾泻它的爱,你能想象即使水也能感觉到它吗?


但这样却令人有很可笑的想法,他们说︰我们要令自己悲惨不快,我们要把拥有的一切都捐献给神。神不需要这些,祂亦不能拥有这些,你不能给予什么。你要成为贫民,把一切都捐献给神是错误的想法。神不要这些,祂只要你快乐、喜乐、享受,这些才是重点。还有是若你给少许,给神少许,祂会以百倍回报。这就是为何你只要给神少许物品。你不用把自己挂在树上来证明你想牺牲。基督已经为我们做了一切,这是祂一生漂亮之处,就是从祂出生开始,祂已经向人展示,祂享受没有物质的舒适 — 我们称为的物质。祂从未享受过我们所知的世俗事物,这只是说明,祂为我们这样做,是让我们明白,不用追求世俗的事物 — 它们会追求我们。你不用担忧这些事,你只要担忧你的灵,灵是最重要的。



祂的一生是灵性的故事,祂经历各种混乱,各种折磨,灵能经历的各种麻烦,这显示没有人能杀掉灵,就如博伽梵歌说︰Nainam chidanti shastrani, nainam dahati pavakah, na chainam kledayantya apo, na shosayati marutah。不能杀掉它,它是永恒的生命。祂尝试透过祂的一生来证明永恒,从开始到终结,祂显示灵超越物质,没有什么能控制灵。祂为我们做的是很了不起的事情,就是为我们的灵创造很大的信心,毫无怀疑,祂已经证明了。我希望你们会明白,不会在一些细微锁碎的事情上令我费心,亦令自己费心,这些事情都不重要。你们要要求一些重要的,永恒的,有价值的东西。我很高兴你们喜欢这个地方,自得其乐,今天我们已经宣布很多配婚,在这短时间内发生了很多事情。


[Shri Mataji continues in Marathi for another 15 minutes]
[Translation from Marathi]

Today intentionally I have spoken in the English language. Since all Pune Sahaja Yogis know English, I do not have to explain further. On the Christmas day something has to be told to them about Christ. Therefore, I have spoken to them. Owing to our conditioning, we do not have much knowledge about of Christ, but it is not correct. It is no use following the past conditionings. These people have come from the Christianity religion but have learnt all about Divine incarnations that were born in this country and work they did here. In some respects, they are more knowledgeable than we are. So we should also learn about Christ, Mohammad, and other great Satgurus. The reason for you to have this knowledge is, when you become Gurus in the future and you are dedicated to the Brahma and you know what the Brahma is, this knowledge will enable you to talk to someone. Then you can clearly tell about each of them and correctly explain stories about them. Without you being knowledgeable about them, Sahaja Yoga cannot spread in the modern times. Sahaja Yoga’s advent is in modern times when all the people know about all. All people know about great personalities. Now that we are not in our individual ponds, but have come in the big ocean, all Sahaja Yogis should acquire information about all the peoples, about the people from all communities, about the people from all countries, about the people from all religions, and understand where they have gone wrong and where we have gone wrong. Only then can we become real Sahaja Yogis and Satgurus. A little study is necessary for that and I adivise you to do it sincerely.
My blessings to all.
We shall have today’s Puja with vocal music.
I have already told you that Radhaji, meaning Shri Mahalakshmi was Christ’s mother. Although She was Shri Mahalakshmi, She silently bore everything so that example that Christ was going to set up was absolutely without any flaw or shortcoming, which people would attribute to his mother. The way Mary, the form of Shri Mahalakshmi, bore everything, the way She sacrificed Her son, the way She witnessed Her son’s crucifixion, and the way She endured all these things. From Her example we should realize that we should give up our attachment to our children, like my son, my son and instead observe, “How much my son has progressed from the view point of Spirit, what he has gained in Spirit”.
All of us have become Sahaja Yogis and have gained a lot on coming in the Sahaja Yoga. So, now we should see, “What do we have which we can give to our children.” Only thing that we can give is the knowledge of Spirit. All should give that and all should receive it. I have purposely called you to this far away place, because I wanted you to see what hard work the people have to do for their living. You are troubled by small things. You are not ready to make even a little sacrifice. For everything you have to be cajoled to do this and that. With this nature, how will you become experts in Sahaja Yoga and how will you grow further? The people are not prepared for even a small sacrifice! This is not correct. I hear a lot about the Pune- Sahaja Yogis that they want everything for free and they never spare even a paisa. Unless you change your attitude how will other Puneits change? You are their examples; they will see and take you to be special people. And when they see you haggling for small amounts of money, they will think,” What is the use of practicing Sahaja Yoga? These people are also like us”!
Secondly, as I have repeatedly pointed out, feuds among brothers. It is a curse to us and I find it is there again. They quarrel over money. “Where has money gone? Why did they spend so much money? Why this, why that?” All disputes are over money. I am surprised. I am ready to do all for you but you want it free! One should have self- esteem. Shri Mataji has to spend on our food! It is not correct! Money can easily become available by saving small amounts through the year. These people spend money and I also spend, but it does not look good and is not in keeping with self-esteem.
If you go to any village, like I had been to Narayangaon on the other day, the people over there had cooked all food and kept it ready. They seated me and offered food. Nobody asked for money. Such was their hospitality. When guests come we have to keep our attention at them. I am astonished; even now Sahaja Yogis appear to be under the curse of quarrels amongst them. The people quarrel over small issues. This has happened about this and that has happened about that!
Suppose a leader is told that he is not thenceforth leader and another Sahaja Yogi is leader their feud starts. If a Sahaja Yogi is told that he has no vibrations and hence he should stop going to the collective he starts squabbles. In everything they are cantankerous. They fight in marriages. The people think that when there are quarrels at auspicious place like a marriage, there is nothing bad in quarreling. However, it is very bad. It is very bad in the eyes of God and it should not be done. Christ has used the words,” Murmuring souls” for such persons. They indulge in backbiting; speak against this person, that person in their absence. They also play one against the other. They are extremely mean. I call the city of Pune as the Punyapattanam. I say that all the Punya has been brought to this city and praise it and despite that this situation persists.
Next year all Sahaja Yogis should make vigorous efforts. Children of this place are wise. They collected money in which all have contributed. Then they gave the amount to me. I was so overjoyed to see them. How sweet they are! They are your children. Then what happens to the elders? Why do they behave the way they do? Let your hearts open a little bit in Sahaja Yoga! You have no burden of Sahaja Yoga. I do not take anything from you and do not want anything from you. On the other hand I have given you so much materially! Even if you see the material gifts that I have given you it is quite a lot. In spite of it, when I have to hear about such things, it makes me sad. So, please do not crucifix your Spirit again. Think that today is the day of your second birth and resolve to live with your hearts open and with your self- respect. Please remember that you have to keep your self-esteem.
Today’s auspicious day I have to tell this again since I cannot say when you and I shall meet again. So please take care in this respect. You should not behave this way, otherwise all will go down. On this day all should make vow that since Christ sacrificed his life and we have taken him as our elder brother, what we should do to be befitting to this relationship, how we should work it out. We have received so much in Sahaja Yoga. So what should we do in Sahaja Yoga?
I do not ask for money from you. But what shall I do if you do not want to pay for your own food and transport? On top of it you pick up quarrels. The next time it should not happen. The people told me that when they asked for money to foot the bills of your food and transport nobody came forward. If you are so poor that you cannot pay even Rs 40-45, you should not continue in Sahaja Yoga, since you will be a burden on us. We have not taken a contract to take care of beggars! If they are in such poor circumstances, they should not continue in Sahaja Yoga at all. Those who cannot afford even this much and want to have free food, we are not distributing free food! If these things are not corrected in time they are never stopped and keep comtinuing. Even your leaders are fed up and do not want it. That has brought the deficit. However, those people think that the leaders harass them and do not allow them to meet Shri Mataji. All these things should be dispensed with. “We are now united. So far we have not done anything for Sahaja Yoga.”I remember, during Gandhiji’s time, my mother gave away her bangles, bracelets, and whatever was available in the house. And today people cannot pay a few rupees! Is there so much financial distress? No , ther is not!
These people come here from faraway places. You also have assembled in the equal number. But you are not sharing the expenditure. Does it become of you? Pease tell all the Pune Sahaja Yogis that Shri Mataji has told every Pune Sahaja Yogi to do anything but come for the program. The people go to the Himalayas to have a glimpse of God. This is not the Himalayas and you did not have to walk so much as the people over there had to walk. All arrangements are in place. Yet the number who attended the Puja over there has not come here. The people here will come only if the program is in Pune and will not attend if held outside. The people who behave this way shall never improve their financial position. Now you should come to Ganapati Pule with appropriate preparations. A good number of you should come. It is not very expensive. I have made all the calculations. Contribution is essential minimum to meet the food requirements. It is just that and not more! You have to pay only once a year. You are not in such bad shape and can collect a small amount by saving a few rupees every month. If somebody is in such poor state we can bear his expenditure. However, if everybody takes this position nobody will go. This question never arises in villages. It is quite different there. It is only on moving to cities, starts, “ We want everything. We must watch movies every day. We must have bangles, we must have bracelets, and we must have armlets. Does not matter if we do not go to pay obeisance to God, or do not attend a Puja, but we must have all these.” Our attention is more with food, which we must have in plenty and of our choice too. Our attention is never on God. Find out why we do not progress. Today everybody should decide that we will save some money instead of squandering it away. These people have given up all, given up their habits and vices. So they have now plenty of money. Similarly, you all should shake off the slavery which you have accepted all these years and get fully deep in the kingdom of God.
I am sorry to tell you this today. But all the history comes back to me and I feel that if not corrected it will go on and on, Hence it has to be put end to. These things have to be stopped. Moreover, quarrels amongst you should completely finish. One against the other and the other against some other should never happen. All should unite and intermingle. Look at these people, who have come from fourteen countries have mingled and are staying together. Whereas here the people who have come; not from one country, not from one state, but from one city, cannot come together! It seems, we were born with battens in hands and we started fighting soon after the births! It is so bad in Pune. Of course, there are many beautiful things in Pune. A number of Sahaja Yogis, especially the young ones, are very beautiful. The girls are also very sweet. I appreciate them a lot. All are so loving! However, the old ones need to work little harder on themselves. So today, all should make a vow that we are Sahaja Yogis. We have joined the path of Sahaja Yoga and shall do whatever is necessary to progress on it. Should make a vow and God shall help all.
May God bless you.