
Ganapatipule (India)

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但在印度我们确实相信,Shri Gauri(锡吕•哥维)用自己的生命能量创造了锡吕•格涅沙,祂成为根轮的神祇。我们接受这个说法。但西方人不接受。他们从来不会接受这样的事情,因为他们的思维过度发展并且宰制了他们。可能他们并不像印度人这么历史悠久,所以他们无法理解到毕竟祂是神。即使对于神的理解也是非常思维化的。而且,基督教所走的路并未为信众提供任何适宜的指导。相反,凡是遇到挫败,他们就会说:“这真是无法想像。”但印度人很容易理解——对神来说一切皆有可能。毕竟祂是神,是全能的神,因为西方人的这种思维态度,其层次远远低于灵的知识,这类肤浅的知识是平凡的、锁碎的、它永远不会让人接受神的伟大。











这就是神。是祂,创造了人类。如果祂是造物主,祂必定高于我们 。如果一个制陶的人做了一个罐子,意味着他高于这个罐子。罐子不能创造神,即制陶的人。制陶的人制造了罐子,意味着由他制造出来的罐子,是他的某种创造,所以制陶的人必须是比罐子更加有力量。神是什么,神创造了这个大型电脑,祂必定是这个造物者,但这点让人难以置信,或者说超越了人类的理解。我们对一切事物都习以为常,可连构成我们自己的一粒细胞,我们也造不出来。我们什么也做不出来,人类无法创造。如果有石头的话,当然你可以将其堆叠起来。如果有泥土,你能夠用它搭建某种房屋。那全都是由死物做出来的死物。但你能夠制造一支烧死邪灵的蜡烛吗?你们已经亲眼看见过,在我的照片前那些邪灵被烧死。你能做到吗?




我总是说你们现在就像莲花般开放。你不是在空中飞行,你的根扎在下面。但现在你是莲花,在莲花之上,摩诃拉希什米(Mahalakshmi)原理诞生了。摩诃拉希什米原理以悉妲(Sitaji), 罗陀(Radha), 圣母玛丽亚(Mary)的形象显现于人间。


人们应该尝试了解,格涅沙成为摩诃毗湿奴(Mahavishnu)是件非常重大的事情。格涅沙是湿婆神的儿子。在创造万事万物、大气、所有这些之前,锡吕. 格涅沙是最先被创造出来的,因为祂就是唵(Omkara),而唵是太初之母从湿婆神分离出来时发出的第一音。那个声音,祂们称之为”Tan-kar”。从此唵开始了,格涅沙就是唵的化身。所以这个声音就是格涅沙,是祂的力量,祂是创造中首要的、最重要的,只是为了产生神圣[听起来像povitrada]]。当这个神圣,这个[povitrada]被创造时,万事万物在这个神圣的海洋之中被创造出来。接着祂降世为基督,却是以摩诃毗湿奴的形象,不是以湿婆神儿子的形象,是以摩诃毗湿奴的形象。那么谁是毗湿奴呢?祂是锡吕•格涅沙的舅舅。锡吕•格涅沙母亲的哥哥就是锡吕•毗湿奴。所以,我们应该说,祂被摩诃毗湿奴抚育,但是,我们可以说,摩诃拉希什米是采纳了锡吕•格涅沙的原理的。




当我们思考越多,我们就越是跑到右边或左边 ,于是原本就狭窄的额轮变得越来越狭窄,确实会持续地变成这样,完全如此。因此在这个非常精微的区域只有基督可以成为精微的,因为祂是精微之中最精微的。祂甚至比原子还要精微,因为那些在原子中做着对称或不对称的运动的生命能量,比原子要精微。并且这就是更为精微的部分。




所以,今天我们在此庆祝唵的诞生,这是件很重大的事件。不知道你们是否意识到它,它是什么,它渗入万事万物,无论是[听起来像是anu, paramanu]原子、分子,它渗入各种化学品的组成中,也渗入在周期律中,也渗入重力之中,它渗入每样运动的事物,这就是唵,你的生命能量不是别的正是唵。实际上,在我照片中,生命能量就是以唵的方式显现。在人们的头上写着唵。这是怎么发生的呢?这些光看起来象唵?在霎哈嘉瑜伽士的头上,所有的瑜伽士头上怎会有唵呢?或者阿拉伯语写成的安拉(Allah),用阿拉伯语写的我的名字也是如此。


祂能夠将光变形成为其他的东西。祂能夠做任何祂喜欢的事情。那就是祂的所作所为,为了让你信服。并且祂说:“任何违背我的事情我都会容忍,但对圣灵的冒犯是不被容忍的。”圣灵就是太初之母。没有祂你无法到达顶轮,因此整个戏剧中祂就像持线者(sutra dhara),祂就是那个做事者,那个在木偶剧表演中操纵线的人。因此我们每次在崇拜中向格涅沙做祷告是非常重要的。我们得向祂祷告,就如我们向耶稣基督祷告一样。每次,没有祂的吉祥,没有祂的帮助,我们无法成就霎哈嘉瑜伽。祂就是掌管者。看我坐在这里,而祂是掌管者。试想如果没有安排我怎能在这里讲话?什么也不会发生。但祂是如此有效率,而你从未看出是祂成就着事情,做着一切事情。

Translation from Hindi:

You all would not have been able to understand all what I spoke in English.  Today is the Birthday of Shri Issa Masih.  It is the greatness of Issa Masih that I was explaining.  We pray to Shri Ganesha  we sing stutis (praises to Shri Ganesha), because everything says we must sing His praises.  But what is this stuti singing.  What is Shri Ganesha.

We see that He is Omkara.  What is Omkara.  All the workings of this universe happens only by the energy of this Omkara, which we call as Chaitanya, vibrations.  Brahma Chaitanya.  The sakar  (visible form) of Brahma Chaitanya is Omkar, and the (vigraha) embodiment of that is Shri Ganesha.  And, the incarnation of that has come as Issa Masih.  It is imperative that we should understand this; otherwise when we sing stutis to Shri Ganesha we go into a frenzy, like mad people.

Each word that we use for Him, we are enumerating His powers.  Why are we doing it.  Because you have some shakti, another has some shakti, so what is the purpose of pronouncing these shaktis (powers).  The reason is, that we desire that all these shaktis and qualities of His, which we do not possess, should become a part of our beings also.  But His greatest strength and power, is His innocence and holiness.  Whoever possesses the quality of purity and innocence, is the most powerful.  Nobody can touch such a person.  Like soap.  No matter what you wash with it, it does not become dirty itself.  Sometimes even soap can get dirty.  But this is Omkara, which can never lose its purity and holiness.  It is an eternal quality, or it is the shakti of performing totally dedicated work.  (Anan, where there is no other).  So when you adore and worship, you should always remember that we want to absorb this shakti; and it should establish within us the eternal innocence and purity, and all our chakras become cleansed and purified.

Our life becomes (shuddh) pure, our (samaj) society, our (raajkaran) government of the nation, our country, and the entire world all becomes completely cleansed and purified.  And only in that state of purity and virtues, can we have bliss and joy (anand).  It is like, after a bath and change of clothes, you feel the joy of being cleansed.  It feels good.

And when your entire life becomes cleansed with this Omkar, then you get the joy, which is called Aatma-anand (joy of the spirit. You get that.  And even in Atma, the energy that is there, that is also the shakti (energy) of Omkara.

But we do not understand the real significance of Omkar.  We say it is A-U-M and Ardhmatra (half-syllable).  Just by saying this we do not understand the full meaning.  And this Chatwari (four shaktis) of Shri Ganesha,  it is His genesis or manifestation that you get in the life of Shri Jesus Christ.  But He had a public life of only four years.  And for some reason, very little was known about Him in India.  But now the people of the western countries have begun to recognise Him.  But this is only a mental acceptance.  Nothing else.  There is no heart involved.  Only the head.  And such a knowledge is too subtle to enter their brain.

To understand such a subtle knowledge, the brain has to be enlightened.  The aggregate of Divine Rays has to enter the brain, and give it the shakti of sensitivity.  Now if the brightness of these lights comes into the eyes, it blinds you.  But the inner light, when it shines, it does not blind you.  But everything becomes clear and can be understood clearly.

How to get that Light of the Spirit.  The Agnya Chakra which is here, in level with the brain plate. Here, this is where it is located.  Here, the Medha  (intelligence, wisdom) opens out.  It is closed like this, but when in opens, then we see that Agnya Chakra has opened, and then the Kundalini passes inside through this opening, and when She enters the upper part of the brain, above the brain plate; then inside the brain an astonishing, extraordinary thing happens, which is beyond human dimension; beyond the human (buddhi) intelligence.  One gets drenched, inundated, in this divine energy; and you begin to understand what is truth, and what is untruth.  Through this divine energy (Daivi Shakti) you also begin to feel the chakras on the hands.

Gradually you will not need  to feel it on the hands.  You will just know, spontaneously, what is right and what is wrong.  Like it takes time to know what is good and what is bad;  but some people immediately get the indication.  I would say that they have received the blessings of Issa Masih.

The same people are involved in their mental understanding; or caught in the web of class and caste difference; or difference in belief and religion, or judging that Indians are better, or English are better;  narrow mindedness and petty indedness; miserliness and other kinds of useless things.  In our country, I don’t know how, but we get all these parasites like mosquitoes, bugs and other pestilence.  The nasty things we get here, we do not get anywhere else in the world.  The lengths to which people go to fall into ditches, can only be seen here.

Sometimes it is very surprising that in a county which has had so many incarnations, whose culture is so filled with bhakti (religious devotion and piety) and who worship God Almighty, should have fallen into the deep mire of selfishness, rough and rude behaviour, and allowed ourselves to go to rot.  And continue to rot (sadna).  At lease after coming into Sahaja Yoga this should have gone.  But still caste and creed differences;  this, that, and all kinds of prejudices of the world, are making us into creepy insects and worms.

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma.  This Dharma is the dharma of Omkar (mysterious syllable containing the attributes of the Supreme Being).  The dharma of holiness and purity.  And if you are sticking on to these bad inclinations and habits, then you cannot sustain in Sahaja Yoga.  This is not an outwardly show, of saying that I believe in Sahaja Yoga, I do pujas of Shri Mataji, I go to the centre regularly; I keep Her Photograph on the altar in my house, and we worship Her.  Neither will you benefit, nor will the world benefit from this sham and false behaviour of yours.  Any lamp can claim that I am giving light to the world.  One can ask, where is the light.  Show me your light.

We are always deceiving ourselves.  We should make a resolution that, no, we are not going to indulge into this deception any more.  We are going to give up all this, and go into Sahaja Yoga, and go deep.  Only then will you benefit from it.  Now I have seen the half baked people, what happens to them.  May be sometimes, if you have been to a wrong guru, you might have a lot of difficulties.  Or if you mix with bad company also you may land up into difficulties.  Because the time into which you have now come, it is called Krita Yuga, where the Brahma Chaitanya becomes active and effective.  It starts doing its work.  Now, in these circumstances, you can neither deceive yourself or deceive others.  Nor can you deceive Me!  The person who takes to the road of deception, will immediately get the fruit of his actions.

One gentleman came and told Me, that “Shri Mataji when I sit in meditation, my face swells and becomes so big”.  So I said,” Oh, what happens”.  He said, “It becomes big, like Shri Hanuman’s”.  So I said, “Very good.  You are becoming like Shri Hanuman”.  He said – “No, No. Shri Mataji.  It grows so much, I am afraid my face might burst some day”.  So I asked, “Do you chew tobacco?”  He admitted that he did.  So I said – “Better keep chewing tobacco.  Why do you want to meditate”.  They will eat tobacco and they will also meditate.  Then the face is bound to expand.

Another person came and said, “Shri Mataji, this index finger of mind has got cut.  I said, “Oh I see.  Were you smoking a cigarette?”  He said “Yes”.  So he got hurt on that finger.

Another one had a motor car accident.  He came and showed me that only his right index finger got injured.  “I got hurt on this finger because I was smoking”.

You come to Sahaja Yoga and then you continue with your smoking of cigarettes, and drinking alcohol, and a whole lot of other bad practices.  And they will pin a big badge and go about saying “I am a Sahaja Yogi”.  That badge that you are wearing;  that same badge will come and break your head.  I am warning you.  Better understand that wearing My badge is not such a simple thing.  This badge that you are wearing, that will come and break your head.  I do not wish it to happen.  I do not make it happen.  Understand.  This badge is not an ordinary thing.  It is a Vigraha (form or shape of God).  It has a coefficience.  Means, Chaitanya (divine vibrations) flows from it.  That same Chaitanya will twist you.  Then you will say – “Shri Mataji, I was wearing your badge as I slept, then how did this happen.  Why me”.  It was from the badge that  the Chaitanya came and broke your head.  That is why I say, “Don’t wear a badge”.

And, if you do, then be worthy of wearing it.  Nowadays every one wants a badge.  Give me a locket to wear around my neck. Yes. Do wear it. But with great caution.  Do you understand.  Don’t put the blame on Me if anything happens.  Some will say, “Shri Mataji, I wore this badge and went, and still I slipped and broke my leg.”  So better not to wear it casually and carelessly.  If you want to wear, then make yourself worthy of it.  And if you cannot make yourself worthy and still wear it, then God save you from Lord Jesus Christ.  And, Shri Ganesha is more exacting than Him.  He always carries a Parashu (battle axe) in His left hand, and He just wields it and I cannot do anything.  I cannot control them.  They will advise you not to disrespect the badge, and if you do, then take the consequences.  So, wearing of badge, pendant or ring, is very  demanding in its protocols.

When you go into a toilet or unclean places, remove and keep it safe and unexposed.  You must be careful to guard it from unholy environments.  Even My Hair.  If you find it anywhere, you must keep it safely and return it to Me.  Please be very careful.  This Hair of Mine was given by Yama (God of Death), and he is always watchful of it.  So please return it if you find sit, because I am your Mother.  I don’t want you to get into trouble.  But these are not your Mother or your Father.  They are your brothers, and they keep following you with a big rod.

That is why you should understand that you have come into Sahaja Yoga.  It is not a place of enjoyment, fun, and bhajans.  If that was so, from where did the beating come?  This is why you should understand the uniqueness and speciality of Sahaja Yoga.  That this is the kingdom of Paramatma (God Almighty), and Paramatma is not a Mother.  A Mother is loving, kind, and She always feels that, they are still children, and they do things sometimes.  It does not matter.  But God Almighty is watching your behaviour.  Everything has been given to you in Sahaja Yoga after so much care and difficulty by your Mother.  Where are you faltering now.  What wrongdoings are you indulging into now.  And that is why we should be very careful and alert.

I will say this, that Adi Shakti is verily the Shakti, the energy of Paramatma; His Desire.  But Paramatma is constantly watching, that these Sahaja Yogis who are making such a show, how many of them are genuine and honest; and who among these has to be corrected and put in his place.  He is making all these observations.

All those who are good should also get attention.  But this is not what He is doing.  He is only noting down those who are fakes and frauds and need to be corrected.  He will censure and chastise.  That is why it is My sincere advice that whatever you do, do it with a clean, and pure, and innocent mind.  I am openly telling you that if you have any wrong ideas and false knowledge; blind faith in falsehood; any prejudices of caste, creed, colour or community; all of which are unworthy of Sahaja Yogis; you remove all these unwanted things, and then only wear My badge or pendant.  Because with every pendant one Gana is attached, and on duty.  And they are watching you, up and down.  As much as they protect you, in this way also they are preventing you from doing wrong things, because they know you inside out.  So today this is a warning, or notice of danger.

We are also fortunate that Jesus Christ came and established Himself on the Agnya Chakra, and became the cause of our resurrection.  Otherwise resurrection would never have become achievable for  Sahaja Yogis.  His coming was absolutely necessary.  There is no fight or disagreement between anyone.  Everyone knows that on this Tree of Life, all had an important responsibility to develop the tree, so that the Sahasrara could be got ready for the final culmination.  But if there is no tree, from where would the Sahasrara come.  And if the Sahasrara has manifested, then it was the tree which worked out this happening.  It is the responsibility of the tree to protect and look after the Sahasrara, and to destroy any attempt to disturb its completion.

So today is the day, we should recognise and thank Shri Jesus for coming, because without Him our resurrection would not be complete.  When it was told to Shri Ganesha that when the time for resurrection comes, You have to look after Me.  This is what was told to Him.  That when the time for Moksha (deliverance from rebirth) comes, that is the time Shri Ganesha arrives at Agnya Chakra, and protects and takes care of you.

That is why today is a very auspicious day for all of us.  A joy giving day, and also a day when we are warned to be careful.  Because at Agnya if you stray, then you will land in the lunatic asylum, or you will be afflicted with some other disease.  We should maintain holiness of the Agnya, means our thoughts should be absolutely pure and holy.  And as you keep rising, bad thoughts will stop coming.  They will stop completely.

Sahaja Yoga is only for your joy, your greatness, your gravity, your dignity, and your progress.  And after all this, if we do not support the work of Sahaja Yoga, do not encourage the people who are working for Sahaja Yoga, and instead, try to put obstacles in the progress, then such people come in for dire punishment.  Those who are doing the job with full honesty and involvement, we should also support in the same measure.

In some people I see the shortcoming of miserliness.  They save money.  Like – from every quarter that we can save four rupees lets save it.  Save from here, save from there.  Where you are able to save four rupees, you will find that you will have to spend four hundred rupees somewhere else.  And in Sahaja Yoga, sometimes the rupee spent with love and dedication, is equal to a lakh (million) of rupees.  Means, it will actualise in rupees!

We are not donating to Shri Mataji.  Everything belongs to Her.  And we are spending on Her, what belongs to Her.  And you are well aware that I do not accept or expect anything.  From morning till night I keep resisting and saying, please do not give Me any gifts or sarees.  I do not need anything.  For the past five years this tussle is going on, and nobody is willing to accept My refusal.  And as the time passes, costs are going up, but still they will not stop.

But, for the running of Sahaja Yoga money is required.  But here people think it is very clever to get free meals in Sahaja Yoga.  Later on if they have problems with their stomach, I am not responsible.  This place is not for beggars.  It is for the Kings. For those who have (Raja Tabiyat) royal temperament.  If you have kingly qualities you are most welcome.  You don’t have to have wealth.  Just qualities.  The rich are so miserly and wretched, and so strange, that we cannot understand them.  And then there are others like Myself.  Not rich, but large and generous hearted, who want to keep on giving.  If one hand is open you will take. But if the other hand does not open to give, then things will stop coming to you.  That is why, whenever I hear about miserly people, I feel aversion and disgust.  I feel nauseated.

I was so impressed and happy the other day, when we ran out of gifts, people were lovingly accepting My Photograph. “ Shri Mataji, that is all we want”!  That deep satisfaction must come first.  Only after satisfaction the human being can do (tyag) renunciation.  Of course no one can do tyag (renunciation) like Issa Masih.  But that sacrifice should be done with full love.  Yes, there will be a little difficulty.  No problem. But we can know from a special and noble job, that we are not doing it for ourselves, but for every one.

This year I am going to call for a list, especially of the Bombay people.  I have received complaints that they just do not want to pay any money for anything.  And here in Bombay stands the great Mahalakshmi Temple.  What is the use of this temple, where Shri Mahalakshmi Herself emerged spontaneously from the Mother Earth.  How did the people of Bombay become so miserly.  They are thinking that Shri Mataji is spending for everything.  Let us enjoy.  In any case, everything will work out, whether they give money or not.  BUT what will happen to them.  Must remember this.

The sign of Mahalakshmi Tattwa is, that when we meditate and get rid of all our doubts and desires, this Mahalakshmi principle becomes active, and we start searching only for the truth.  If you do not have samadhan (satisfaction), then you cannot enter Mahalakshmi Tattwa.  Take the life of Shri Sita.  How long did She live with Shri Rama.  Shri Radha’s life.  And after that the life of the Mother of Shri Jesus.  In all the three lives, so much of sacrifice and tyag (renunciation).  Without maha samadhan, this could never had happened.

So, with the Mahalakshmi Tattwa, a person becomes maha samadhan (completely satisfied and surrendered).  And then from this plane, he starts searching for the truth, and during the search he keeps shedding all his untruths.

So in this Mahalakshmi Puja, where we are worshipping Shri Jesus and His Mother, Mary, then we should settle in samadhan.  From worldly things, and excessive desires, when we get renunciation inside, only then the Mahalakshmi tattwa awakens within us.  And then the Mahalakshmi within us, starts looking after the Lakshmi tattwa.  And the Lakshmi Tattwa starts getting established by itself.  It gets activated by itself, and gives its benefits by itself.  Everything manifests  and stands before us.

So, the only thing I have to say is, enlarge your hearts.  Make your hearts big, and enthrone the Omkara in your hearts.  That same Omkara which is Shri Ganesh, which is Jesus Christ, through whom all our problems become alright.  Get solved.  And you can have adhikar, (loving entitlement) over Me. Without their presence within you, (Ganesha and Shri Jesus), I cannot give you this privilege or authority!  Even in the rising of the Kundalini, until such time that permission does not come from Mooladhara, till Shri Ganesh does not give the signal; no one, not even I, can raise the Kundalini.  They have their own adhikar (entitlement) over Me.

If someone begins to think that he or she is very close to Me, they should understand that even if they are close, genuinely they are close, then it is only with the permission of Shri Ganesha that the proximity has been allowed.  With the permission of Issa Masih.  Without His permission I do not recognise anyone.  This is a (bandhan) binding on Me.  And this is why I tell you, again and again, be careful!  We must obey His bandhan, and whatever He thinks or knows about you, I have to take that into consideration.  No matter how much I forgive in Motherly love, I cannot disregard their permission, and we must know that they are the ones who actually help us and cleanse us.

They do forgive.  But they have one condition  I have no conditions or requirements.  I am Nirvaaj (without expectations of returns).  I do not desire anything from you. However you are, in whatever state you are, you are acceptable to Me.  But in Their judgement, if you have ever, disrespected or disobeyed Me; or in Sahaja Yoga if you have committed any acts of dissension or put obstacles; or cheated or been dishonest; These will get after you.  That is why I am telling you, again and again, that today, on this auspicious occasion, you should know what powerful shaktis are standing with you.  Why don’t we honour these shaktis and imbibe them like royal people.  When we have such an elevated throne (singhasan), why don’t we ascend and take our seats on it.  And live in that royal style that behoves royalty.  You are now Sahaja Yogis.  It is such a great thing.

And so many yogis have come to this Ganapatiphule, where Shri Mahaganapathi presides in this place.  We have come here as family of Mahaganesha.  Into His kingdom.  And with His blessings all the great shaktis are inside us.  But even to absorb this shakti, we have to be in purity and bhakti.  In His bhakti, there is no place for Swarth (selfishness, self interest).  If we can achieve this state, then He looks after the rest.  Then He is at your service. But if you take the wrong road, he can cause you a lot of damage.

I am teaching you a few words of common sense.  Because a Mother feels that these are My beloved Sons, and you should benefit from Them. At the same time there is fear that they may twist your ears.  That is why I am explaining to you  that we are here as a big family.  We have united.  But these Elder Brothers you will have to obey, and be aware that they are sitting here and watching carefully.  And by doing puja we can pacify and make them happy.

But nothing happens speedily,  until and unless there is inner cleansing.  So we have to make a commitment that we are going to give up all impurities and turn our attention to purity, and make our lives worthy.  If we do this then there are only blessings, and more blessings.  My eternal blessings, and thanks that all of you have come.  The thing is that My heart is overflowing, as all of you are there within Me.  I love all of you, and My loving glance is always on you.  And I am always thinking of protecting you.  My Attention is always on you.  And if you have any problems you can write to Me.  But you must cleanse yourselves.  Become pure, and become auspicious, and enjoyu these endless blessings forever.