
Ganapatipule (India)

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Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 2000

[Shri Mataji speaks first in Hindi for about sixteen minutes]
[Scanned from Divine Cool Breeze – Translation from Hindi to English]

The reason for celeberaling this auspicious day is the birth of the Christ. Very little is known about Jesus Christ because in young age he left his house and after returning he lived only up to the age of thirty year But dunng this short period he did tremendous work After his death, his twelve disciples spread Christianity. They also faced problems as you have to face sometimes But these twelve disciples did tremendous work. Their followers. In the beginning, were known as Gnostics, meaning ‘Those who have known’ The origin of this word is from ‘Gna’ meaning To Know’ These people were harassed and tortured by the priests of that time So in the beginning it was very difficult to convince people of Christ s thoughts People were not seif realised Jesus Christ had said it again and again ‘Know Thyself. ‘Know Thyself Without realising the significance of self realisation people started spreading the religion. Without knowing the Self, religion could not be spread because gradually such religion becomes Adharmas Same thing happened with Christian religion It is written that Jesus Chnst went to a wedding party There he put his finger in the water and converted it tn to wine It is written in Hebrew language that
the taste of this water changed in to that of the wine. ‘Wine’ in Hebrew Christian people twisted the meaning of the wine and took it for alcohol and Christians took to alcohol and accepted It in their religion Alcohol is Iho cause of all Adharma. ail sins It gives human beings distracted attention Its very easy to change the taste of the water I may also do it by putting my hand m it. But people took so much to alcohol that I am astonished! In England, I saw, they dunk alcohol Whether some one is born or dies, you go to someone’s house immediately they offer you drink Without drinking they do not know how to talk to you Alcohol is so much prevalent But it will be injustice to say that Jesus Chnst advocated the dunking of Alcohol. None of the incarnations could tell to go against religion In India also tne use of alcohol has become prevalent. When we were young during the time of British rule, Indians were not used to drinking May be that alcohol was consumed by some highly placed people, otherwise it was not used. Now even common men could be seen annking. No one thinks of the miserable state alcohol drags the person in. Orunkards. then commit sins. moaning the juice of the grapes Bui Christian people twisted the meaning of the wine and took it for alcohol and Christians took to alcohol and accepted It in their religion Alcohol is Iho cause of all Adharma. ail sins It gives human beings distracted attention Its very easy to change the taste of the water I may also do it by putting my hand m it. But people took so much to alcohol that I am astonished! In England, I saw, they dunk alcohol Whether some one is born or dies, you go to someone’s house immediately they offer you drink Without drinking they do not know how to talk to you Alcohol is so much prevalent But it will be injustice to say that Jesus Chnst advocated the dunking of Alcohol. None of the incarnations could tell to go against religion In India also tne use of alcohol has become prevalent. When we were young during the time of British rule, Indians were not used to drinking May be that alcohol was consumed by some highly placed people, otherwise it was not used. Now even common men could be seen annking. No one thinks of the miserable state alcohol drags the person in. Orunkards. then commit sms. The first thing I want to tell you rs that the drinking by the Christians is not a religious activity Alcohol is made in the Church of Rome To commit sins (Adharma) in the name of religion (Dharma)l It is unpardonable s*n That ts how people accept all the evils
The aim ot Jesus Christ was to open the centre ol your Agnya and to achieve that purpose He got Himself crucified and then He resurrected. It appears to be a miracle but for the Divinity there t$ no miracle as such. He proved that human beings could rise above the centre of Agnya and on this centre he told two mantras which we call Beei Mantras – Ham and Ksham’ Ksham’ means to forgive. Ksham is the biggest mantra The ego of the person who knows how to forgive, gets destroyed One is proud of $mall»smalt things. For example if you toil someone to sit on the earth, Ns ego gets hurt If some one is told to sit m the chair he will reply. This chair is very small, why have you given it to me7’ Everyone has some expectation about him and if his expectations are not fulfilled, his ego immediately comes up. Unknowingly some times such things could be done but the egoistical people take it as their insult Such people make their condition very miserable All the time they think they are being insulted and humiliated He is always obsessed with this thought and he draws negative meaning of whatever is told to him So we have to think ol what Jesus Christ had ihought He said. ’Forgive those who have tress passed against you’ Now see the results if you forgive everyone You will neither suffer nor get disturbed mentaly. You will not think of the person whom you have forgiven Nothing could go against you because you forgive everyone We get this power from the centre of Agnya. The person whose Agnya is clear forgives everyone If we donot forgive we torture ourselves and play rn the hands of others, who assume power over us ‘Forgiveness’ ts the greatest message that Jesus Christ has given to mankind.
Second is ‘Ham’ It has altogether different meaning. Ham means To Know Thyself.’ You have to know that you aro the Spirit. You are not this body. mind, bram or ego You are the Spin! When you know this ‘Ham’ then it will be clear to you that you are the Atma The ‘Spirit’ means that alt the ego. foolishness, ignorance that we have m our mind, are meaningless At) these negativities have absolutely no place in the Pure Spint You are very pure,
So he told two things, the first is To Forgive everyone Knowingly or unknowingly if someone troubles you, you should forgive him You will not get tortured but if you donot forgive then you torture yourself because another person *s sitting nicely. So you must develop the habit of forgiveness
Second thing that he told us is that ‘You are the Spirit1 Know this Spirit, the Self No one can touch the spmt. can destroy it. no one can torture it. If you are that spirit then you should be established in it But to achieve this Atm- Tattva the awakaning of Kundalini is necessary First »s to work out the awakening of the Kundahm and then to get established in it Untiil you are established you will remain entangled in stupidies So one should know how to be established with in. to remain with in thyself. When you achieve this state, you will feel the extreme joy within and nothing will disturb you When you get established in this aura of peace, then you will be surprised, you wont worry about small small things You will be always drenched in the joy of Spin!
To attain the Spmt. the awakening of kundaltni is essential, Without attaining awakening this is impossible But some of the awakened people also get confused They do not go in depth The central point is your Agnya If you look at it then you will come to know that it is contusing you. Because of it you are entangled, caught in different thoughts and having different problems But when you cross this centre of Agnya and go beyond it then this problem will be over That is why this centre is very significant It is written in the Bible that those who apply vermillion on their forehead will be saved They could be none else but Sahaia Yogis Its a stupendous task Jesus Chnst had only twelve disciples but you are thousands and thousands Had you put one thousandth labour that they pul. the spreading of Sahaja Yoga would have been much more. I depend upon you people You are my sole support and I hope you will spread Sahaja Yoga in the whole world



祂是要牺牲祂的生命。在这牺牲,祂显示若你要超越世俗、表面的生命,便作某程度的牺牲。牺牲什么呢?牺牲你的六个敌人。当灵量被唤醒,你对所有这六个敌人便完全不会执着; 这全頼你的灵量是怎样提升,如果它提升得很完美,我会看到人们是立即得到自觉──他们变成完全醒觉的人。当然这类人是小数,但这里有一些。

当我见到你们大部分人只有很小问题,你们大多数的问题都是来自额轮。我们就是这样消耗额轮──我们以「思维」作为对外在每事每物的反应,我们对外在的每样事物都作出反应。我看到在这里的灯,我可以有这样的反应:「他们怎样找到这些灯? 这些灯值多少钱?他们怎样全年保存这些灯?」……所有类似的东西,我都可以作出反应。这些反应都是来自我们的思想制约或我们的自我(我执)






我曽经见过来到格纳帕提普蕾的人,现在他们都很成熟,否则他们都会说 :「我们没有水,我们没有这些设施,这里很冷,很热……或其他。」他们常常提及这些,像他们在度假,这里有很大分别,你要在这里发展你的旁观见证能力。你有没有看到这天空,它是多么美丽?橙色、蓝色、各种各样的颜色也在那里。这颜色──自然的出现,享受着。它是不受任何影响而永远存在,它会在黑暗中消失,只是看着,天空只静静的看着。任何事情发生,它都接受,所以它才这样美丽,给予别人无限的喜乐。



对我来说,处理有自我的人是很大的问题,因为我不能直接告诉他们 :「你有自我。」如果我这样告诉他们,他们会跑掉。如果我告诉他们 :「你非常好,非常令人喜悦。」那么他们的自我便会膨胀。他们会说 : 啊!母亲告诉我,我令人愉快。」 这是很有问题。我不知道怎样处理人类的自我,我知道他们有这问题,但我不知道怎样处理,我想只有你能处理,如果你能明白你的问题,这是解决你和我的问题的最佳途径。

我要达成的目标对一世来说是太伟大了,我希望成就全宇宙得到自觉,我希望全世界人都得到自觉,这是非常卓越的要怎样…… (台下鼓掌)


还有别人对你阿谀奉承,因为他们想在你身上得到好处,所以他们奉承你,他们会说 :「这是很伟大,你是很伟大。」他们完全迷惑你,令你迷失了方向。就像倾盆大雨冲走你,令你淹没在充满自我的人群的洪流中。你今天看看四周,在现今的世代,每一个人都意识到他们的自我,对自我很有意识,他们以怎样的态度在报纸上出现,怎样在杂志上出现,我感到很惊奇。若我在那里,会感到很羞耻,这全都是自我的表现──没有其他。所有各种他们开展的事情,都是与自我竞争,很多的竞争,像他们很漂亮的竞争,跟着他们再与某先生竞争──你可以说是在印度,某东西先生……所有这些东西都助长这个人的自我,其他东西亦追逐这竞争。他们想:「为什么我不…我应该像这样」。

这些都令你麻木,并絶对蒙蔽你的思维,令你以为这样就是「成功」。 但这成功能持续多久?它随时都会消失,但在霎哈嘉瑜伽中成功是可以持续至永远,及被每个人都记着。那些人有这种谦卑的性格会被一代一代的记着。我未曾见过任何一位被立铸像的人是自我很大的。相反地,若某人常常批评别人,他是个很自我的人。现在这是没可能。若某人有自我,我想没有人会为他唱歌,或以他的名字为他立碑。

在内心深处,我们都喜欢谦卑的人,如果我们想别人喜欢我们,我们必须非常谦卑,不是做作,真正的谦卑,若我们明白「我们是什么? 为什么我们要这样骄傲?为什么我们要控制或找别人麻烦?」若你能明白,你对伟大的耶稣基督的降世作出正面的评价,他性格上有很多特质。对我们来说,他最好的特质是祂因牺牲祂的生命而令我们通过自我,这是最伟大的信息。因此,我们要明白只想及自己的人,是自我最大的人,我很惊奇在英国,英国人是极之自我,其他我见过的西方国家也一样,他们都很自我,他们完全不谦虚。与印度人比较,他们是非常非常的自我。为什么?因为他们都是跟随耶稣基督。你可以想象!我们是不是这样跟随耶稣基督?自称基督徒的人,自称耶稣基督仰慕者的人,都应该在他们的言行中显示这种谦卑、慈悲和爱心,但他们并不。


