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1981年4月7日 澳洲雪梨




現在,就如他們所說,婚姻是為了繁殖後代。你們是另一品種,你們是霎哈嘉瑜伽士 — 這是一種全新的意識 — 你們的婚姻會帶來高質素的孩子。很多偉大的聖人都渴望投生於地球上。若他們發現任何霎哈嘉瑜伽士的配偶是相親相愛的,在霎哈嘉瑜伽裡進展良好的,對霎哈嘉瑜伽充滿熱忱,那麼,他們肯定會透過這對配偶降臨在地球上。所以在此時此刻,這是既十分重要亦十分逼切的我們應該明白這些價值,霎哈嘉瑜伽婚姻的價值。


是向火元素作出承諾,在這個婚禮中,要對火作出承諾;因為火燒毀所有醜陋的東西,而靈量也像火一樣,因為它是唯一向上昇的能量,看!像火向上燃燒,靈量也是向上昇的,這就是為什麼靈量能與火相比。火是位於腹部的能量,那是正法(dharma),亦是宗教;霎哈嘉瑜伽士的宗教就是要保持在中央,不走向極端。一旦他們結婚,藉着對霎哈嘉瑜伽的理解,他們互相拉對方更接近中央,享受大家的共處 — 現在、現在此刻,當下此刻。








此外,我必須說霎哈嘉瑜伽的婚姻會是最成功的婚姻 — 必須要是。他們會重新建立健全的婚姻基礎,這是毋庸置疑的。那些在霎哈嘉瑜伽內成婚的人明顯會是快樂的已婚配偶。一旦他們結婚,便會立即受負面能量侵襲,因為這些負面能量不喜歡看到人們有愉快的婚姻,他們會盡力把問題,在開始時把糾紛混亂帶給他們,要看到這段婚姻破裂。一旦你被他們誤導,便會破壞擁有好的自覺的靈的機會,因為他們不接受這種狀況。若你開始時已經有爭吵,這也不是好事,因為你會在他們的預計下下跌。



我曾經看到,這樣也產生更多矛盾衝突,因為他們仍然有他們是來自墨爾本而另一個來自…的想法,(你們怎樣稱呼它?) — 雪梨。(我就是不能告訴他們) — 雪梨。現在雪梨和墨爾本不該再有衝突。因為一旦他們開始爭吵,他們會說︰「噢!你這個墨爾本人,我就是知道你會這樣。」


你立即變得像這樣,開始為此爭吵。你必須知道自己不是雪梨人或墨爾本人,你只是霎哈嘉瑜伽士。霎哈嘉瑜伽士沒有種性,社區或任何種族,或任何宗教,或任何國家的界限。不管你是來自那個國家,你是霎哈嘉瑜伽士,是普遍的存在體 — 你是。你能感覺到任何坐在這裡的人的生命能量,不管他是來自夏威夷或來自美國,都不要緊。

所以,一旦你能感覺任何人,即是說你不再屬於任何社區,或任何特定的國家,你是宇宙普遍的存在體。我們就是要變得這樣。我們要創造更多宇宙的存在體。為了加快速度,我們要令這些偉大的靈來到地球上,這是份十分重要的工作。他們必須在這地球上,因為他們是這上天的工作偉大的管道。一旦他們開始降臨地球上 — 那些真命天子 — 速度便會加快,這是那麽偉大 — 你不知道,這會是很快速突發的霎哈嘉瑜伽爆發。你會驚訝於怎麽這些人的降臨,能令成長的速度那麽快。我們要嘗試作出這種安排,讓我們能得到這些人真正的祝福,就是他們降臨這個地球。這是很重要的。


這是與其他人結婚時說「剛結婚」不可同日而言,他們在汽車上掛上「剛結婚」這個名片 — 而他們卻步入離婚。霎哈嘉瑜伽沒有這種事 — 這是嚴肅認真的事情。若你對婚姻還未夠嚴肅認真,若你對婚姻有期望,最好不要結婚,沒有人會強迫你結婚,只要說︰「不,完全不行,我不要結婚。」若你仍然像這樣子,你會真的以最差勁的方式傷害霎哈嘉瑜伽,就像在背後刺霎哈嘉瑜伽。




所以我們要有崇拜︰今天你以我古哈拉希什米(Gruha Lakshmi)的形相敬拜我。作為你內在的古哈拉希什米,那也是很基本的,敬拜我的古哈拉希什米形相,因為你們的古哈拉希什米都出問題。那是左臍輪,我希望這樣對你會成就得較好,我們開始崇拜。

在這個簡短崇拜後,我們會作女神火祭(devi havan),到目前為止,我們還未有做過火祭,這是很重要的。不管如何我們都要好好處理它。我們要唸誦千個名號,這會是個好主意。



19:38 還有誰要結婚?你也結婚?這兩個吧,你也來吧?請來吧。




25:37 這個很短  — 不太長,對嗎?首先是格涅沙崇拜,告訴它的意義。(印地語/馬拉地語)。他們應知道它的意義。

26:23這是 — 我已經告訴他今天說出來。這就是我們曾經說過,很簡短的描述基督。這是很短的描述。祂就是,祂的各個面向都很簡短的被描述,再次很短,非常短。他會讀出這幾件事,並向你解釋,在你為我清洗時。

26:49 開始唸誦格涅沙頌(Ganesha Atharva Sheersha)。

27:10 (瑜伽士︰我們現在在這裡以主格涅沙之名敬拜主耶穌基督。祂理應是所有原理的精粹的總體,祂是總體 — 錫呂‧瑪塔吉︰原理,一切原理 — 瑜伽士︰一切宇宙的原理 — 錫呂‧瑪塔吉︰Tattwa(原理)

瑜伽士︰tattwam asi,即是一切宇宙原理的總體…祂理應是kartasi,kartasi的意思 — 錫呂‧瑪塔吉︰作事者。

瑜伽士︰祂理應做所有的事情,是祂在做所有的事情…接著他說twameva kevalam dartasi,意思是祂是…

錫呂‧瑪塔吉…支持。所以祂是支持…是祂帶走所有問題。就是祂,祂吸走宇宙的所有問題…Brahma, Brahma。Brahma是這位Brahma shakti,你要明白,這位pranava。Pranava…以靈在你之內顯現。祂以靈住在你內在,是真理,不是「祂說的真理」而是祂就是真理。

29:25門徒,門徒原理…祂存在於各個方位…祂是完整的文獻…喜樂。「你是我們內在無所不在全能的力量。」”Sat chit ananda dvitiyosi”意思是「沒有人能與你成為Sat chit ananda(真理、注意力、喜樂)的能力相比。」…注意力。Ananda是喜樂。而「沒有人能與你相比。」…創造者…科學的知識…祂是完整的文獻…喜樂。你是我們內在無所不能全能的力量…沒有人能與你成為sat chit ananda的能耐相比。你是知識,你是科學的知識。

31:48毀滅…”Tish thati”意思是它留下︰「整個世界因為你而保持(stay),只要你在這裡,我們就能保持這個世界。」(讓他吧,讓他吧,不是這樣…坐下,坐下,坐下。)

32:23 當你完全是,整個世界便被摧毀,那時候只有你在那裡,你是旁觀見證者…每個人都能經驗你,沒有…祂,透過祂,透過祂…水,祂是akasha…祂是天空,以太(ether)。所有元素…被祂指引。

33:34 那裡,你看,你的聲音的四個階段,你看,當他們 — para, pashanti, madhyama。你看,你的聲音有四個階段,從這裡開始…你看,聲音從這裡開始。這是para。聲音從para開始。從這裡開始。接著它走到pashanti,心臟只是跳動。但它是,pashanti意思是它只是靜觀。這裡是madhyama。這是中央,意思是它沒有觀看也不是這東西。接著,在口裡它變得有說服力。所以「所有聲音的四個階段都是由你主宰。」由你主宰。

Para pashanti madhyama

34:54 不,gunas virtues nahi。Gunas是心境,心境,心境,品質。你要明白,tamo guna和rajo guna(刺闍)和satya guna (完滿) ︰祂是超越它們,祂是超越。對祂而言,沒有罪孽。不管祂做什麽都是神聖的…「你是超越你的身體。」…「你是超越時間。」…根輪…「你是三個力量。」三個力量。Trigunatmika — 意思是這三個力量︰摩訶拉希什米(Mahalakshmi),摩訶莎娃斯娃蒂(Mahasaraswati),摩訶迦利(Mahakali)…「降臨於你」每時每刻…

36:07祂是創造者,祂是持守者,祂也是保護者。是祂毀滅…Indra 是諸神的神…祂是神的聲音 — Omkara…祂集合所有這些。

37:49 Gana意思是所有的…所有在左邊的天空的存在體,都被稱為ganas,明白嗎?他們是 — 他們的領袖是左天使長米歇爾。祂甚至在他們之前,甚至比他們早出生,甚至比他們更高…你要明白,這就是阿爾發(Alpha)和歐米伽(Omega)︰就是祂是…祂是最先被創造的道(Word),也是最後的道,祂超越最後被創造的道…。

39:25 Bindu給你救贖…你看生命能量,我不知道你能否看到?它看來像逗號 — “anusvarah”是逗號。所以這就是你怎樣 — 每一邊都像小小的逗號,若你看到它們…

40:06看,完整的Omkara是︰首先是Ga-karah,是Ganapati,Ga “Ga-karah purva-rupam”︰先是,你要明白,你首先以格涅沙的形相,”purva-rupam” —格涅沙是在它之內,接著你以Omkara的形相…最後是當你變成逗號。


42:12 Chandah,這是口訣 — Gayatri是口訣之一,你要明白,它是在右邊。Chandah是…所有口訣的音樂,韻律,韻律,韻律,你要以某種韻律唸誦口訣,祂就是節奏韻律。

43:06 怎樣去,怎樣去…喚醒這個神祇。

 (瑜伽士︰”Aum Gam Ganapataye namah” — 這是喚醒這個神祇的口訣。)

43:55 你看,Ganesha vidya…一隻牙,因為祂用另一隻來書寫。而祂有象鼻。是環狀的,看,祂以環來控制你。若你行為不當,祂便把一個環圍著你,把你拉回來…對,Ankusha是你運用它在大象上,去控制。在大象,Ankusha,但它是十分,它是指引的工具。


47:00 (瑜伽士︰這就是祂怎樣彰顯,即使彰顯為人類。)

See. 看…好的瑜伽士,不是…不,不,「瑜伽士」即任何上教堂的人︰這些不是瑜伽士,看,瑜伽…瑜伽,你看,”evam dhyayati” 即「藉此你知道。」…只有瑜伽士,再次。

48:28 向你鞠躬…因為祂是純潔…濕婆神的,濕婆神是…你知道濕婆神,你知道。你就是那一位,你是在祝福的狀態,你是在祝福狀態。


50:36 看,祂們是神明,你看,你們現在也是神了,因為你們擁有所有的力量。向…祈求,祈求毗濕奴創造力量,藉此摧毀所有可怕的魔鬼,然後創造女神,這個故事比較動聽。

(瑜伽士問這是否與「女神聖典」”Devi Mahatmyam”裡是同一個故事。)

51:38你取得”Devi Bhagwat” — 你拿到它?我希望你有讀過它。好吧…你知道這個故事?好吧…接著諗誦口訣。

55:25 “Mahalakshmi Stotram”(印地語)Raul Bai 特別重視禮儀能恰當的去做。我說腦袋先要妥當。若你持續一切都做得恰當,做這個,做這個…自我要先離去,不然又有什麽用呢?…(印地語)

1:00:30 這裡面有一點酸乳酪?(印地語)。

1:09:07 你已經很辛勤的工作…真的。你已經真的很辛勤的工作,你有,兩個崇拜是太多了!

1:11:17 你看raktagandha︰祂喜歡這樣,喜歡用raktagandha來遮蔽身體,你看,我們取得的樹,被稱為raktagandha,像檀香樹但是紅色的。祂喜歡經常用它來遮蔽身體,這就是為何我也要遮蔽自己,遮蔽這部分 — 祂住在這裡。Raktagandha。”Rakta”意思是血,”gandha”是特別品種的檀香樹,紅色的,被擦過的,放在這裡。

1:13:05 這是典型的峇里人,或澳洲人?


1:16:13 讓我看誰拿到最好的!

1:17:01巴巴拉在哪裡?來吧,來拍照片。讓她拍一張,讓我們現在看看,她會決定。你的照片也是依賴你的心理狀態,很大程度受心理影響,拍完了?好吧?現在 — 願神祝福你,他想不想?好吧,你可以走近一點,為我的雙腳,來吧,你也要為我沐足。

1:19:17 做完了?好吧。

1:19:56 婚姻的聖潔,願神祝福你們,給你聖潔婚姻的完整概念。

1:21:26 讓我們現在開始…你們全都要站起來,第一次來的人要走上前。若你第一次來,你要走上前,你也可以拿一張凳子或什麽,或椅子。

Version 2

25:47 – 49:27

Ganesha Atharva Sheersha starts

Shri Mataji: Tell the meaning. [Hindi/Marathi] They should know the meaning. [Hindi/Marathi]

This is a – I have told him to today say it out. Now this is what we were saying, that Christ is described in short. This is very short description. And what He is, actually His all aspects have been described in short, again in short, very much in short. These few things he will be reading it and explaining it to you, while you just wash My feet. [To a Yogini] Now you organise.

[Ganesha Atharva Sheersha starts again.]

Sahaja Yogi : “Om, Namaste Ganapataye. Twameva Pratyaksham Tattwam asi.

Twamewa Kevalam Kartasi. Twamewa Kevalam Dhartasi. Twamewa Kevalam Hartasi.

Twamewa Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmasi. Twam Sakshat Atmasi Nityam.”

Sahaja Yogi : Now here, we worship the Lord Jesus in the name of Lord Ganesha. He is supposed to be in totality, the essence of all the principles. He is in totality –

Shri Mataji: principles, all the principles –

Sahaja Yogi: all the principles of the Universe –

Shri Mataji: Tattwa

Sahaja Yogi: “tattwam asi”. Means the totality of all the principles of the Universe. Then he is supposed to be the kartasi, kartasi means-

Shri Mataji : The Doer

Sahaja Yogi: he is supposed to do all the doings, it is he who does all the doings. Then he says “twameva kevalam dartasi” means he is the

Shri Mataji : Support.

Sahaja Yogi: he is the supporter of all the things in the Universe.

Shri Mataji : He is the support.

Sahaja Yogi: The he is the “Kevalam dhartasi” Ara ne?

Shri Mataji : He is the one who takes away all the problems. He’s the one. He’s the sucker of all the problems of the Universe.

Sahaja Yogi: Then it is said : “Twamewa Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmasi” means he is the totality of the Universe.

Shri Mataji : Brahma, Brahma. Brahma is this Brahma shakti, you see, this Pranava. Pranam, Pranam.

Sahaja Yogi: He himself is the all pervading Energy.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Sakshat Atmasi Nityam” He ‘s always

Shri Mataji : Present in you as the Spirit. He resides in you as Spirit.

Sahaja Yogi: He always says the truth.

Shri Mataji : He’s the truth. Not “He says the truth”, but He is the truth.

Sahaja Yogi: “Ritam Vachmi. Satyam Vachmi. Ava twam Mam.

Ava Vaktaram. Ava Shrotaram. Ava Dataram. Ava Dhataram.

Ava noo Chanam. Ava Shishyam. Ava Pash chat tat. Ava Puras tat. Avot tarat tat. Ava Dakshinat tat. Ava Chor Dhvat tat. Ava Dharat tat. Sarvato Mam Pahi Pahi Saman tat.”

Here he says, that he is supposed to be the doer as we say that means that he in… The hearing is done by him. The speaking is also done by him. He is in the shirsha, “shirsha” means

Shri Mataji : In the disciples, in the disciple principle.

Sahaja Yogi: Disciple principle is also the Lord Ganesha. In the principle of teacher also is the principle of Lord Jesus. He’s also in all the directions, East West North South.

Shri Mataji : He exists in all the directions.

Sahaja Yogi: Since he exists in all the directions, he is all pervading. Everywhere, on top, in the bottom, everywhere.

“Twam Vang mayas Twam Chin mayah. Twam ananda mayas Twam Brahma mayah.

Twam Sat chit ananda dvitiyosi. Twam Pratyaksham Brahmasi. Twam Gyana mayo Vigyana mayosi.

Sahaja Yogi: He says the entire

Shri Mataji : “Vang mayah” means literature. He is the complete literature.

Sahaja Yogi: He is the complete ananda; ananda means

Shri Mataji : Joy.

Sahaja Yogi: “Brahma mayas"

Shri Mataji : “You are the one who is the all-pervading Power within us.”

Sahaja Yogi: “Sat chit ananda dvitiyosi” means, if there is no other better happiness.

Shri Mataji : No. “Sat chit ananda dvitiyosi” means, nobody can compare you to your capacity to be Sat chit ananda.

Sahaja Yogi: Sat means truth, chit means

Shri Mataji : Attention. Ananda means joy. And Nobody can be compared with You.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Pratyaksham Brahmasi” you are in totality, existing Bhrama.

Shri Mataji : The Creator.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Gyana mayo Vigyana mayosi.” You are the knowledge

Shri Mataji : Science of knowledge.

Sahaja Yogi: You are the knowledge and you are the science of knowledge.

“Sarvam Jagadidam Twatto Jayate. Sarvam Jagadidam twat tas tish thati. Sarvam Jagadidam Twayi Laya me shyati. Sarvam Jagadidam Twayi Pratyeti.

Twam Bhoomi rapo nalo nilo Nabhah. Twam Chatvari Vak Padani.”

Sahaja Yogi: That means here he says, when the all world goes away

Shri Mataji : Destroyed

Sahaja Yogi: is destroyed, it is he who remains.

“Sarvam Jagadidam twat tas tish thati” When the all body

Shri Mataji : No. “Tish thati” means ‘it stays in it’. The whole world stays because of You. As long as You are there, the world will stay.

[About a dog?]Let him be, let him be. That’s not so very–. Sit down, sit down, sit down.

Sahaja Yogi: “Sarvam Jagadidam Twayi Laya me shyati."

Shri Mataji: When You are completed, the whole world is destroyed, that time also, You are there. You are the witness.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twayi Pratyeti”

Shri Mataji : “Twayi Pratyeti” Everybody can only experience You and nothing else.

Sahaja Yogi: If you have any experience of the Divine it is because of him.

Shri Mataji : Him, through Him, through Him.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Bhoomi rapo nalo nilo Nabhah” He is the soil, he is

Shri Mataji : The water. He is the akasha. Nala means fire.

Sahaja Yogi: Nilo

Shri Mataji : He’s the sky, ether.

Sahaja Yogi: He is the fire.

Shri Mataji : All the elements.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Chatvari Vak Padani.”  These are also….

Shri Mataji : Guided by Him. There are, you see, four stages of your sound, you see, when they – para, pashanti, madhyama. You see, there are four stages of your sound that starts from here.

Sahaja Yogi: First one from the Nabhi. second one from here. Para, pashanti, madyama, and wakening, wakening here come the sound from here where you speak

Shri Mataji: You see, the sound starts from here [Shri Mataji shows her stomach]. This is para. Sound starts from para, from here it starts. [Shri Mataji shows her stomach]. Then it goes to pashanti, the heart just pulsate. But it is “pashanti”, means it is just watching. Here it is madhyama [Shri Mataji shows her throat]. It is the centre, means it doesn’t, neither watch nor this thing. And then, at the mouth part, becomes eloquent. So all these four stages of the sound are governed by You, by You.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Guna traya teetah. Twam Deha traya teetah. Twam Kala traya teetah. Twam Mooladhara sthitosi Nityam. Twam Shakti trayat makah. Twam Yogino Dhyayanti Nityam. Twam Brahma, Twam Vishnus, Twam Rudras, Twam Indras, Twam Agnis, Twam Vayus, Twam Suryas, Twam Chandramas. Twam Brahma bhur bhuvah Swarom.”

…He is beyond all the gunas, that means, beyond all the virtues.

Shri Mataji : No, no, “gunas virtues nahi” [Gunas are not virtues]. Gunas means moods, moods, moods; qualities. You see, “tamo guna and rajo guna and satya guna” He’s beyond them, He transcended. You see, for Him there’s nothing like sin, whatever He does is divine.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Deha traya teetah”

Shri Mataji : You are beyond Your body.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Kala traya teetah”

Shri Mataji : You are beyond time.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Mooladhara sthitosi Nityam.” Now Mooladhara means, the Mooladhara of the Universe.

Shri Mataji : Mooladhara Chakra.

Sahaja Yogi: Mooladhara Chakra of the Universe. There he resides.

Shri Mataji : resides.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Shakti trayat makah”

Shri Mataji : You are the three powers. Three powers. Trigunatmika – means all these three powers: Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali.

Sahaja Yogi: “Twam Yogino Dhyayanti Nityam” means Yogis, means all the saints of the Universe they always meditate

Shri Mataji : Upon You. All the time. ….

Sahaja Yogi: “Nityam” means everytime.

“Twam Brahma”, you are Brahma

Shri Mataji : He’s the Creator.

Sahaja Yogi: He is Vishnu.

Shri Mataji : He’s the Sustainer. He’s the Protector also.

Sahaja Yogi: He is Rudra.

Shri Mataji : He’s the one destroyer.

Sahaja Yogi: He is Indra.

Shri Mataji : Indra is the God of the Gods.

Sahaja Yogi : Agni he is the fire. He is the wind, he is the Sun, he is the Moon.

“bhur bhuvah Swarom”

Shri Mataji : He is the sound of God – Omkara.

Sahaja Yogi : “Ganadim Poorva much charya. Varna dim Tada nan taram. Anus varah Para tarah. Ardhendu lasitam, Tare na Ruddham. Etat tava Manuswa roopam.

Gakarah Poorva roopam. Akaro Madhyama roopam. Anuswarash chantya roopam.

Bindu rut tara roopam. Nada Sandha nam. Sanhita Sandhih. Saisha Ganesha Vidya.

Ganaka Rishihi. Nich rid Gayatri Chandah.Ganapatir Devata. Om Gam Ganapataye Namah.”

Sahaja Yogi :Here, how the Omkara has come out through him. And how every aspect of Omkara is he himself.

Shri Mataji : He’s the assemblage of all that.

Sahaja Yogi : “Ganadim Poorva much charya Varna dim Tada nan taram"

Shri Mataji: Gana means all the, all the celestial beings on the left-hand side are called as ganas, you see? They are – the leader of them is St. Michael. So He is even before them, He’s born even before them. He’s even higher than them.

Sahaja Yogi : “Varna dim Tada nan taram.” All the ganas are created after him.

Shri Mataji : You see, this is what is Alpha and Omega: that He is, He’s the first word that is created, and He is the last word, He’s above the last word that is created, “Varana”.

Sahaja Yogi : “Anus varah Para tarah" You see there is a stage after Realisation which is supposed to be

Shri Mataji : Above it

Sahaja Yogi : Above Sahasrara, is ardhenbindu sthiti, bindu sthiti and vale sthiti. So from bindu sthiti, all the sthitis, all the stages, from bindu sthiti onward, there are something like 14 stages above. All the stages are governed by him…

“Tare na Ruddham.”

Shri Mataji : The one who gives you salvation.

You see the vibrations – I don’t know if you can see them- it looks like a comma – “anusvarah” is commas. So that’s how You reside like little, little commas; if you can see them ….

See, the complete Omkara is: first is Ga-karah, is Ganapati, Ga. “Ga-karah purva-rupam”: the first is – you see, You take the form of Ganesha in the beginning, “purva-rupam” – Ganesha is in them. Then You take the form of Omkara. And the last is when You become just a comma.

Sahaja Yogi : … If you have to learn him from the sound, then Shri Ganesha vidya, then that knowledge, the knowledge of learning through the sound, is known as Shri Ganesha vidya.

Shri Mataji : Sound is mantras, you see. To know Him through the mantras, you have to learn the Ganesha-vidya, is the knowledge of Jesus. If you have to know the mantras, you have to know through the knowledge, that the whole science is called, is the knowledge of Ganesha. Or you can call the vidya of Ganesha, means the technique of Ganesha. And if you have to know how the mantras work out, this is the science. The science is called as Ganesha-vidya, is all His science.

Sahaja Yogi : …The one who masters this knowledge is Ganaka-rishihi

Shri Mataji : He, that’s why He’s called as Ganaka, Ganaka-rishihi, that’s why He’s called, because He’s the master of that. He’s the master of the art of mantras, the sounds.

Sahaja Yogi: “Nich rid Gayatri Chandah.”

Shri Mataji : Chandah. It’s a mantra – Gayatri is one of the mantras, you see. And it’s on the right-hand side. Chandah is … music of all the mantras. The rhythm, rhythm, rhythm [taala]. You see, you have to say mantras with a certain rhythm, and He’s the rhythm.

Sahaja Yogi : Of all the mantras. “Ganapatir Devata.” God himself is again Ganesha, that is the Lord Jesus. The Lord himself is again Shri Ganesha.

“Om Gam Ganapataye Namah.”

Shri Mataji : How to, how to awaken this deity.

Sahaja Yogi : For that the mantra has been given.  That mantra is like this, “Om Gam Ganapataye namah” this is the mantra for awakening this deity. Then there is a prayer for him. Subsequently these two stand out as a prayer for him, prayer for this God has been recited:

“Eka Dantaya Vidmahe.

Vakra Tundaya Dheemahi.

Tanno Dantih Prachodayat.

Ekadantam Chatur hastam

Pāsham ankush dhārinam"

How this God is, how does he behave?

Shri Mataji : You see, the Ganesha’s mantra.

Sahaja Yogi: His description has been made all here. He is having one…

Shri Mataji: He is having one tooth; because with the another one, He writes. And He’s got the trunk.

Sahaja Yogi : “Pasham ankush dharinam.” Pash?

Shri Mataji : Is one of the loops. See, He controls you with a loop. If you try to misbehave, then He puts a loop round you and pulls you back – pash-

Sahaja Yogi : Ankush is a kind of instrument….

Shri Mataji : Yes. Ankusha is that you use it on the elephant, to control. On the elephant. Ankusha. But it is a very – it’s a guiding instrument.

Sahaja Yogi : “Radam Cha Varadam Hastair” means he is offering you hand,

Shri Mataji : Protection.

Sahaja Yogi : “bi bhranam Mooshak dhvajam.” Mouse is his carrier…

Shri Mataji : I mean, something very humble animal, very humble, is mouse for Him. And for Christ also, the donkey, which is the humblest animal.

Sahaja Yogi : “Raktam Lambodaram Shoorpa karnakam. Rakta vasasam.” Means he wears red clothes, he likes to wear red clothes.

Shri Mataji : Red clothes.

Sahaja Yogi : “Rakta gandhanu liptangam.” It should be red on the forehead and on the body. Even on the body, he would like to put red safran the red one.

Shri Mataji : At least on this chakra, we should put red. [Shri Mataji shows the Agnya chakra]

Sahaja Yogi : “Rakta pushpaihi Supoojitam.” Means he likes the red flowers very much.

Shri Mataji : That’s why ….

Sahaja Yogi : That’s why you brought those red flowers for the puja…

“Bhaktanu Kampitam Devam” For the devotees, he has a tremendous compassion…

The compassion that flows from him is for the universal good.

“Aavir bhutam Cha Shristyadau. Prakritehe Purushat param.” He comes on the earth to give emancipation to the human beings, and that’s how He manifests, even as a human being.

Shri Mataji : See.

Sahaja Yogi : “Evam Dhya yati Yo Nityam. Sa Yogi Yoginam Varah.” So the one, the Yogi.

Shri Mataji : Good Yogi, not “a yogi”. No, no, “a yogi” means anybody who is going to church: that’s not a Yogi. See, a Yogi_

Sahaja Yogi : So the connexion by which you know the Divine is known as Yoga….

Shri Mataji : Yoga. You see, “evam dhyayati” means “by which you know”.

Sahaja Yogi : Such Yogi worships this Lord Ganesha or Lord Jesus in the fashion by meditation.

Shri Mataji : Only the Yogis, again.

Sahaja Yogi : They know by meditation, not by chanting mantras. “Namo Vratapataye. Namo Ganapataye. Namaha Pramatha Pataye. Namaste Astu Lambodaraya, Ekadantaya, Vighna Nashine, Shiva sutaye, Shri Varada moortaye Namah.” Here, such divine personality, I bown to you,

Shri Mataji : ‘Bow’ to You.

Sahaja Yogi : Always, in all purity, I bow to you.

Shri Mataji : Because He’s purity.

Sahaja Yogi : …You are the son of the Spirit “Shiva sutaye”.

Shri Mataji : No, of Shiva.

Sahaja Yogi : He is born out of Shiva

Shri Mataji : Shiva is the –

Sahaja Yogi : …Shiva is the Spirit of the Universe.

Shri Mataji : Yes. Sadashiva is God Almighty. You know Shiva, you know.

Sahaja Yogi: Shri Varada moortaye Namoh Namaha

Shri Mataji : You are the one, You are the statue of blessings. You are the statue of blessings.

Sahaja Yogi: “Bolo Shri Bhagavati Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai!"

Shri Mataji: You see, this is just the abridged form.

Sahaja Yogi : …There are only eight slokas, eight stanzas, very small.

Shri Mataji : So this is nothing to understand Him. But just this is said, is just in the beginning.

To make it …. Atharva Devi […] You have got this Book in English? No?

[Note: I notice at the end of the talk that Shri Mataji is a bit annoyed by the ego of the Indian Sahaja Yogi who chanted and explained Atharva Shirsha. :-))

In fact, the Yogi made a “mistake" between Sadashiva and Shiva when he said “Ganesha is the child of the Spirit". He extrapolated because this is not what is written, literally. So Shri Mataji corrected him. Unfortunately, when Shri Mataji wanted to explain the difference between Sadashiva and Shiva, he did not let Her speak. It is for this reason that She added Sadashiva is God Alamighty as it is under this form that He is the Spirit of the Universe.]

(End of Version 2)