Prophecies of Acharya Bhujender, World War III

Solapur (India)

1982-01-30 Prophecies of Acharya Bhujender, Sholapur, India, Opt, 33' Download subtitles: CS (1)View subtitles:
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Shri Mataji: Khandhavara, [Unclear].
Sahaja-Yogini: You choke it a little bit. [It seems that they are cooking]
Shri Mataji: The median one, that means [unsure], that is based on the Moon. See, the Moon is the moodiest thing. And so we, we the Indians, follow the Moon. And here they have tried to establish how astrology is so correct and whatever is predicted 14000 years back is also today coming up.

Shri Mataji: is based on the Moon. See, the Moon is the moodiest thing. And so we, we the Indians, follow the Moon.



然後他說,從1964年至1966年,我們會逐漸看見一些奇蹟。他說也許只有一點點,而時代的真正轉捩點(Manvantar)是在1970年,到1980年便會很穩妥。到了這個時候,新的時代便會形成,舊的時代(Vaivasta)便會過去。你們知道我們有歷史時期(Yuga)的說法。鬥爭期(Kali Yuga)將會終結,從1970年開始它便隱退,而另一個上天意志活躍的新時期,即過渡期(Krita Yuga)便會開始。

這時太陽會以新的方式統治世上。地球的軸心會減少,這時一位偉大的瑜伽士便會出世,他是完全的大梵(Parbrahma),完全的大梵。那便是我。這位瑜伽士有所有讓事情發生或不發生的能力,那即是說具摩訶迦利(Mahakali)和摩訶拉希什米(Mahalashmi)的能力,所有的能力。在此之前,人們往往通過崇拜虔敬(Bhakti)的方式,或知識(Gyana),即誦讀帕坦迦利的瑜伽經,來達到他們的解脫。但在新方法中,這位偉大的瑜伽士會把純潔的力量注入你,你的能量中心會提昇,喚醒靈量的力量。由於這種新的方法,這可以用肉眼看見,就在此生,以這個身體,你便可以得到自覺。設想一下那是二千年前,他比布萊克(Blake)更偉大,他的名字叫Acharya Kaka Bhujander Tatwacharya。

我們毋須捐棄這個身體,許多人,許多聖者都捐棄身體的享受,生活在惡劣的環境。他們跑到山洞中,把自己關起來,直至死去。有了這種新方法便不必如此。你們也不會死去,意思是說,你們可以實現你們的靈,成為覺醒的靈(Sakshatkari Sant),藉著這種新的瑜伽,這些聖者可以得到法喜(Brahmananda),即大梵的喜樂,他們不用進入三摩地(Samadhi)。三摩地的意思是那些人坐下來,靜坐很長時間,螞蟻爬滿他們的身體等等。但現在這些聖者不用這樣做,已經可以得到自覺,同時他們能嚐到法喜,那是霎哈嘉瑜伽的三摩地。對他來說,那是霎哈嘉瑜伽的三摩地。


在這個時期整個人類都能夠克服死亡,即避免被毀滅。你們要有正常的生活,有家庭,也可以沒有家庭,但卻要像正常人家那樣生活,否則你便不能得到這種瑜伽。比方說,如果你變成一個「偉大的聖者」(Sadhu Baba),或「精神導師」或甚麼偉人,你便不能得到這種瑜伽。你們要像正常人那樣生活,可以結婚,也可以不結婚,那不是問題。梵文Sansarik的意思是住在世間,活在基層群眾之間。













那些談占星學的人也提到一位叫傑奎琳‧摩雷(Jacqualine Murray)的女士,她是美國人。這位女士曾預言我。她說有一位偉大的人物,是位女士,將會在1924年在印度出世,但我在1923年出世,只是大致不差。


還有一位叫艾麗斯‧貝利(Alice Bailey)的女士,我相信她是屬超意識這一邊的。在超意識的狀態中,她說由於印度人將所有注意力都放在瑜伽之上,有一種新瑜伽會出現,人們會把她聯繫到基督教的聖靈。這位可怕的女士說會有第三次世界大戰。可能這是無可改變的,但如果人們在這種新瑜伽中能彼此相愛,戰爭便可能會得以避免。



Gyaneshwara. And this is sung in this record by a very well-known singer of India, Lata Mangeshkar. And this they want to give. Side one is Gyaneshwari and another is “Om Namo Ji Addya , Addya Devi” and Pasaydan, that is the second part. Now this is one they want to give it to Warren. And you can tape it and give it to everyone.
Sahaja Yogis: Thank You. Wonderful.

Shri Mataji: This is the sari they have got for Me from Sholapur.
It is in nine yards. This is a place known for its handiwork. And I wish you have bought some of these bed covers here. You get very good bed covers. It’s a famous place for bed covers. [Aside] This is to be kept inside the [?] pot.
This is the one they gave yesterday in Madras [?], all right? Here you don’t have to wear a petticoat. You have to wear that kind of a thing at the back, you see as the Goddesses wear. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi]. They want to have a photograph. [Shri Mataji and Yogis speak Marathi]
You must send them a photograph, all right?
Sahaja Yogi: Barbara, would you make sure that you send the photograph to them?
Shri Mataji: Take their address and before leaving, you thank all of them with your hearts and say that you are very thankful and you have been very happy here, all right?

[Shri Mataji speaks in Marathi. A Sahaja Yogi and a Sahaja Yogini speaks to Shri Mataji in Marathi. A Sahaja Yogini reads a text in Marathi.]

Shri Mataji: You see, all of them have spoken with such love and such feelings, that it’s too much for Me to translate, you see. So I am Myself now filled with that great feeling that firstly they are saying that: “You have come here, because of that, we have become aware that there are celebrations on, are on this place and we feel that great festivities have started in our hearts. We are so very happy and we cannot express our happiness, what has happened to us. We feel we are just floating in the air, we don’t know how we spent our time with all this, and you are My brothers and sisters and their brothers and sisters, and keep this fact in your heart and let it grow in your heart”. And then: “We have done some mistakes, not deliberately, but it happened that we tried to reserve some halls but we couldn’t and it’s a small place, we couldn’t give you a place, but you have a place in our hearts. And here, inconvenience has been passed.” Three of them have been saying the same thing. “So we want to beg of you thrice that, please forgive us if we have inconvenienced you or troubled you by anything, and we are very, very at fault because something had gone wrong with us, I think. We could not arrange stay for some people and the people at the lodge also ditched us and they didn’t give us proper guidance. But next time we will arrange very well. Don’t be angry with us [laughter] toot much. If you have any anger you all should forgive”. And Dhamle father also said that: “We have not been able to look after you and the little girl also said that we have not been able to give you the conveniences and everything. So you all, please forgive us and… but we ourselves have enjoyed that you’re coming and we are gainers. We gained a lot from you, learned a lot the way you have shown patience to our mistakes and also we, we cannot say that there’s anything to learn from us but whatever we have tried our level best, but sometimes happens like that. So please forgive us”. And they have been asking for forgiveness. [Applause]

Sahaja Yogi: [UNCLEAR] us from these nice words. Could we help them in any way to solve the bottlenecks in spreading Sahaja Yoga? For example, if they need some material help, in being- together possibility of renting the halls to count a bit or a distribution [UNCLEAR], whatever. We might you know see whatever we can help in one way or another.

Shri Mataji: All right, I’ll tell them. That’s very kind of you. [Shri mataji translates in Marathi]
They want to also thank you for giving them a tape-recorder as a present and all the, all the photographs and everything that you gave them. Their presents, I’ll give you in Poona because again the carrying will be a problem for you.

Sahaja Yogi: Mother, more than anything, from all of us, we want to thank them for their love. Jai Mataji.

Sahaja Yogis: Bolo Jaganamata Shri Nirmala Devi Ki, Jai! Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki, Jai! Parabrahma Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki, Jai!

Shri Mataji: Alright. So I think you go ahead now. Finish the things and enjoy yourself.

Sahaja Yogis: Thank You, Mother.