Actualization of the baptism Hilton Cairns, Cairns (Australia)

1991/04/03 PUBLIC PROGRAM Day 2, CAIRNS AUSTRALIA I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that truth is what it is and we cannot organise it, we cannot conceptualise it and we cannot know it at this human awareness. We have to go into a subtler state to know it. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all-pervading power of God’s love which does all living work. To discover this you have to become the Spirit. Now as I told you yesterday that it happens through your evolutionary process that you have come from the amoeba stage to this stage and now there’s a little more breakthrough. The actualisation of becoming the self is the actualisation of the baptism as described in Christianity. Actualisation, again it’s not something somebody puts a hand on your head and you’re baptised. It’s happening, it’s a reality and thus when it happens and when you become the Spirit, then you discover that you have divinity within you. Your divinity starts manifesting itself. So the ideas of the Divine, the talking of Divine which looks quite mysterious to us becomes a reality within us. The self is to be understood as been described in so many scriptures but as I said yesterday whatever I am telling you should not be accepted blindfolded Read More …