Where Is the Kingdom of God? Enfield Civic Centre, Enfield (England)

1980-07-25 Where Is the Kingdom of God? Today a very interesting visitor came to see me and he looked rather worried, and he has been in some sort of a course thing, which he has been doing for the last six and a half years and he has not retrieved any results out of it. And on the contrary feeling quite confused, sick and unhappy about it. So then he asked me a question, that: “Christ had promised that he will lead us into the kingdom of God, and what is it Mother, are we going anywhere near the kingdom of God?” I said: “That’s what I’m saying, that’s what I’m talking about! But you want to join a course because you want to fly? Or you want to join a course because you are enamored by some guru or somebody? There is no fair charges to enter into a kingdom of God. You cannot pay for it.  All these absurd ideas I don’t know from when you started accumulating that you can pay for your God, you can pay for specialty, you can pay for becoming the citizen of God’s kingdom. It is absolutely absurd! I mean it’s absolutely stupid! For how you got these ideas and how you accepted them is beyond.” And experiencing. I said, experiencing you are talking about. Experiencing, you can be an experienced by going to a pub. You can get an experience if you feel very happy if you take-  I don’t know, Read More …