A vocal recital by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi

Pune (India)

1982-12-28 Evening Program, A vocal recital by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Pune India DP-RAW, 134'
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1982-12-28 Music Program Pt Bhimsen Joshi Pune NITL-RAW, 142'
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With a vocal recital by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi.

Today is the day of thanksgiving and feelings are released of joy that we enjoy here in our state and of sadness that we have to leave all the great Sahaja Yogis of this place. At the very outset, I must say that Merodai, my son, no doubt out, but he has really done a great service to Sahaja Yoga in Pune. I’ve met many people who have been cured to Sahaja Yoga, many, many, many. But he is a living example of a person who took over Sahaja Yoga as a benevolent friend of the public. Who devoted his time to come down and work out for the people who are educated, who are more intellectuals, to see that they understand the value of Sahaja Yoga in every strata of existence. It’s not meant for only ordinary [UNCLEAR] or for scientists or for any political leaders. But it’s meant for everyone today and everyone has to take Sahaja Yoga so they understand their spirit and understand their creation. 

I’m very thankful to ayurvedic leader, [UNCLEAR], he was very kind to Me even before this, just at the beginning of Sahaja Yoga. He based your opinion and he has been such a support to me that I’m trying to read it from my heart for coming forward to help us out with the chronic problems of Sahaja Yoga. 

Then I must confess today that I’ve been a great admirer of a great singer, a great artist of our country for his music. Perhaps you do not know that I’ve never missed a single program, when you stand in Bombay, when you are on the time, I always attend this program. Moreover, whenever I really got frustrated and tired, I used to really take the course and relax. He has been such a help to me because apart from that he is a great artist, he is a very dear [UNCLEAR] I think, like he could sing, he is so much from his heart and in the heart beside this person. Our Indian music is based on Om, Omkara, which is the Brahmanian theme which you are talking about. And about maybe five years back, I told people that this music is going to take over the whole world because I could see the urge on the people who seek God and to seek the Spirit. And today you’ll be amazed when this music though you may not understand the Raga and the [UNCLEAR]. But you enjoy it so much because you say your vibrations increase, has proved beyond that, that Indian music has all its basis on the spiritual life. And such a great artist is before us. I do not know how kindly for accepting and graciously come over to give you this great opportunity. I’m sure you are going to enjoy this music very much. I’ve never met his wife before, but I heard she is the spirit behind it and I hope to see her sometime. So that I will see the energy behind him which has given me this encouragement and this confidence. Because Indian music is a feeling, it was regarded as a thing which would not fetch any money. Which would not give you any support in the public eye. Moreover, our Indian people are now becoming more westernized and they cannot appreciate the music at all. When they see the western people, understanding it. It’s such that their eyes are open and they also see that this music must be changed, must be respected, must be something of eternal. Of course, this music can never be destroyed and it comes from the spirit. It’s the greatest thing in the history in my mind, who can evoke vibrations within you, can increase vibrations within you. And you have seen how in the music, vibrations are flowing much more steadily and with a much greater impact on you. 

May God bless you very much, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi. I’m very happy you have been able to come and make my children listen to your music. They are all anxiously waiting for you. They all have your records and in the west, I’m now trying to create a great understanding of Indian music. And trying to teach them from many sources how to appreciate [UNCLEAR] and how to appreciate our style of music. I’m sure there be a day they become when all the people will understand this music and they will try to enjoy it through even through intellectual understanding of it. Now, as far as the western music is concerned, it’s a great thing also. I’ve told you, all the people like Mozart and all these great artists and their music is really great. But all Indian music has come from the [UNCLEAR Viras]. All the great saints have composed it and that’s how whenever Muslims in use or Christians make no difference. If it has come from the Spirit, it is eternal and it is very important for Sahaja Yoga. So, from all the Sahaja Yogis, I want to thank you very much for coming over here and I want to thank also [UNCLEAR Papasar] for this evening organisation. Thank you very much.