How We Should Behave (two talks) पुणे (भारत)

1989-12-27 India Tour – How We Should Behave FIRST SPEECH It was very interesting I was thinking about you all and about the people who have done so much for Sahaja Yoga. It is impossible really to say how many have worked for Sahaja Yoga with such interest and dedication. And this dedication is directed by divine force that’s why I think you people are not even aware how much you have worked so hard without getting any material gain out of it. And the joy has no value. We cannot evaluate in any human terminology nor can we describe it as to how we feel the joy of oneness together. This togetherness is very much felt in Ganapatipule. I see the leaders from all over the world have become great friends – there’s no jealousy, there’s no quarrelling, there’s no fighting, there’s no domination, there’s no shouting, nothing. Such beautiful brothers and sisters such a beautiful family we have created out of this beautiful universe. Now we have to maintain the beauty individually and collectively. Some people think that individually if you do something that is alright, but if it is not related to the collective it cannot be sahaj. Anything that you do has to be related to the collective. Now to be individualistic is a trend in the modern times and in that how far we have gone into nonsense that we know very well. Individuality is a personality within yourself which has to be of different Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Value Systems Ganapatipule (भारत)

हिन्दी (Hindi) अभी जो मैने बातचीत की थी उसका सारांश ये है की जब हम मनुष्यता के रूप से अपनी ज़िंदगी बसर करते है तब हमारे अंदर मनुष्यता नहीं रह जाती हम सिर्फ़ अपनी संपदा के बारे में सोचतें हैं और मनुष्यता की जो संपदा है उसे नही सोचतें हैं | जिस वक़्त हम सहज योग में उतर आते है तभी हमारे में पहली मर्तबा वो समर्थता आ जाती है की हम मनुष्यता को अपनाएँ | मनुष्यता से बढ़कर और कोई सी भी चीज़ नहीं ये हमारे समझ में आ जाती है और समझ में आने का मतलब है की वो हमारे जीवन में ही उतरने लग जाती है | जब तक हम मनुष्यता के रूप को और उसके मधुर स्वाद को चखतें नहीं तब तक मनुष्य अपने ही एक आवरण में, अपने ही एक सीमित जीवन में ही आनंदित रहता है, लेकिन जितने भी संसार में बड़े-बड़े लोग हो गये हैं, जिनके नाम हैं और जिनको हमलोग आज भी पूज्‍यनीय मानते हैं ये सब मनुष्यता के ही भोक्ते थे और उसी का आनंद इन्होने उठाया | सहज योग के बाद आप भी इसका आनंद उठा सकते हैं, क्यूँकी इसके बाद आप आत्मा स्वरूप हो जाते हैं, और आत्मा जो है ये सार्वजनिक है, ये अपने में ही सीमित नही है, ये सर्वजन्य में, सारी सृष्टि में सब  दूर इस तरह से अगोचर है, लेकिन हमेशा विचरण करते रहता है और उसका जो एक प्रभाव है हमारे अंदर वो सबसे बड़ा ये है की हमें भी उसी में आनंद आता Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja मुंबई (भारत)

Shivaratri Puja, Bombay (India), 14 February 1988. This part was spoken in Hindi Today we are all come together to celebrate the Shiva Tattwa Puja.  Nowadays, in Sahaja Yoga, what we have achieved is by the Grace of the Shiva Tattwa.  Shiva Tattwa is the ultimate goal (establishment, completion) of pure desire. When the Kundalini gets awakened in us, pure desire takes us near and keeps us at the Shiva Tattwa. Beyond Shiva Tattwa is the safe refuge of the Atma.  The new dimensions of the Spirit are slowly seen and start working out.  And when a man is fully engrossed (absorbed?) in the Shiva Tattwa, he gets surrendered without doing anything.  Kundalini Shakti is the reflection of Adi Shakti within us and Shiva Tattwa is the light of the almighty (Paramatma).  Like as there is a small twinkling light in the gas lamp, and when the gas comes into it then you can see the light.  But before you cannot notice the gas passing through.  For this it is necessary that the Kundalini should be awakened.  When we have the sensation of (can feel the?) Kundalini then the light shines out. For this it is necessary that within you there is Kundalini awakening and then this light is there. Today I have given a new example so that we could understand.  In its own place Kundalini can do no work.  Just like a gas, it cannot do anything on its own.  In this way the twinkling also cannot do Read More …

Conversation with doctors New Delhi (भारत)

Conversation with doctors, New Delhi (India), 4 November 1986. Left symphatetic nervous system represents our emotional side. Right symphatetic nervous system represents our physical side. When both come into play (i.e. psyche as well as somatic) then psychosomatic problems result. In the over activity of Right side, liver is the commonest to be disturbed. This is because of too much thinking. “Swadistan Centre” has to manufacture grey cells for the brain when brain is over active – futurustic and indulges in wasteful thinking – then these cells are used too much. Liver disorders are also of two types i.e. – slow or inactive liver (in a left sided emotional person) this leads to allergies; – Overactive liver disorders in a Right sided person. Right sided liver disorder (that is overactive or hot liver). Liver has an important function to remove poisions from the body. It removes the heat from the body system into the water in blood. H O = 2. H + O H becomes H-O-H after absorbing 2 O H heat from liver. In alcohol LIVER O H No penetration is possible. H So the heat in the system remains. But with vibrations it is possible to correct it Left side is Hydrogen (MOON), Right is Oxygen, Amino-Acids (NITROGEN) forms the para sypathetic and carbon is below (i.e. Mooladhar). Alcohol causes sluggish liver. In overactivity of liver, Co2 is formed and Oxygen is sucked. So the fuction of liver is disturbed. In lethargic liver, poisions are not removed Read More …