Birthday Puja

Mumbai (India)

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Transcript of Birthday Puja 21-03-1989, Mumbai
Shri Mataji: I really do not know what to say. All these presents that you have brought for Me. Actually, you are My presents. I was very happy that those people who gave presents; all of them had such good vibrations and very good Kundalini.

That is the greatest thing that I would love to see for all of you. That your chakras are alright and that your Kundalini is growing properly. Giving presents, I would say, I donít know what to say. In India, people donít give presents to saints. That is a Western idea. [UNCLEAR]. So I have to just work it out through you and all this expression of your love.

The essence of all this is very simple. We must always go [UNCLEAR]. The essence of all this matter is that through matter, we can express our love. [UNCLEAR]. And thatís how one must accept it. Because otherwise, you may feel what is in your heart. You may write some poems and all. Thatís also another expression. In the words you say it.

But, when it is a material thing, it becomes so precious for Me. And for you also, because you go and select with great care. And when it is covered with your love, it reminds Me how ordinary glass becomes a mirror when you apply [UNCLEAR].

In the same way, anything material in Sahaja Yoga is just a thing. But when Sahaja Yogis put their feelings and decorate them with the feelings of their love, then I feel My reflection. And you see in the mirror. My reflection of My Love for you. [UNCLEAR].

But I told you, donít give Me individual presents. The best thing is to give Me some collective presents. That is how it is possible to [UNCLEAR]. Because now I have to build another house. So many presents are brought, that I donít know what to do with them. So I will have to make a museum out of them to [UNCLEAR/keep all the presents there].

All this makes the waves of joy ëanantí (eternal). Everything that is given to your Mother is reflected again back into the atmosphere and a very joyous feeling. And that is how the puja is. Those small things like kumkum, haldi, and ordinary things, you give to God. Now, if everything is made by God, then what is there to give to God? It tells the feeling that we have, of our devotion, of ananya bhakti, of our very pure desire to express our love. That reflects as echoes with the atmosphere. We need a very good atmosphere around [UNCLEAR]. Because now, in marriages, everybody is going mad [UNCLEAR]. And these waves have become so disturbed because of all kinds of material crazes that people have.

Despite that, if this matter is used, not for self-indulgence – but for the expression of love – the same matter will form a new kind of dimension that will give a beautiful atmosphere to this place.

I am thankful to all the Sahaja Yogis abroad that thought of their Mother on this day. I did not know they had organized and I think already when I go to Pune(?), they will send something, so sweet of them to send across[?]. And they thought of sending these flowers. All kinds. So much so, that I am over-satisfied with flowers.

I know I love flowers and children. And when I see flowers, I think of you all. Because you were all flowers. You have now become fruits in Sahaja Yoga. And you have got your own maturity. This is the greatest truth of My love and affection. The whole thing was done with such patience and with such love and such [UNCLEAR]. I mean, sometimes also in [UNCLEAR]. Whatever it is, it is nothing but shows your ananya bhakti. Where you have become one with Me. And that is [UNCLEAR/enlightenment?].

I am very sorry [UNCLEAR] Sahaja Yogis, who have really, really worked very hard to build an ashram. And I must announce to you that we might get a beautiful land in Bombay to erect our ashram. And it already happened in Pune where we have established the ashram. And we have to find out people who would be prepared to live in those ashrams.

It is very hard. Because those who are married want to live with their own families. Those who are old didnít want to leave [UNCLEAR]. So, it is such an embarrassment [UNCLEAR] that it is very difficult to locate some people who would like to stay in the ashram doing [UNCLEAR].

So now, according to our culture, we had four ashramas. The first one was that of brahmacharya, and the second one was that of married life. Grihasthashram. And the third one was vanprasthashram. At this time the old people, the grandparents went and stayed in the ashrams of the gurus. And there, the grandchildren also stayed. And they looked after the grandchildren under the disciples of the yogi.

So, this is the time where people are reaching the stage where they retire. And they should really think of going into the ashrams and establishing themselves there. Those who are not retired, are still in married life, alright. But they can send their children to schools there and grandparents can look after the small children. That will be much better than parents looking after their children.

Because children get irritated with their parents because they donít think they understand them. And parents get irritated because they think children donít do anything. So the best thing will be to send them in a very congenial and good atmosphere. There is real friendship between old people and this younger generation of grandchildren.

I am also of that age, but My problem is that I cannot live in all the ashrams. I can live in one ashram. But if you [UNCLEAR] in every ashram, donít expect that I could visit every ashram [UNCLEAR]. I am of that age of sixty-six, today I am sixty-seven. So many of you are still younger than Me and have retired; who can think of leading the ashram, and enjoying the company of other Sahaja Yogis. And those who are in the family should come and visit them.

Also, you should have some get-together, every Saturday, Sunday or something like that. You can meet at least twice a month, you should all get together where they should stay with their children and also can have a meditation or [UNCLEAR]. Because it is important. Children are better disciplined than, say, grandparents. And it is better that you also stay [UNCLEAR] or bothering about your children.

So this is a message on My birthday, actually, that you should consider matter as transitory. As long as it is not used to express your love. Even a lady who keeps her house very nice and decorates her house very well, and makes all the people to come in the house and looks after them, is the lady who is really doing that work [UNCLEAR] others. As the artist or the musician or other kinds of people who are creating beauty, like gardeners, and other types of people [UNCLEAR/who are creating beautiful, synchronized], all those in the audio-visual arts, are the ones who bring their love for humanity.

If you are a Sahaja Yogi, it is pure love. But if you are not, it should be [UNCLEAR], that is how. Today is the day [UNCLEAR] joy. Today [UNCLEAR] of all our bad ideas and our stuck-up ideas. We have so many stuck-up ideas within ourselves.

Sahaja Yogis must know that they have now attained their religion which is Vishwa Nirmal Dharma. All these old ideas of sticking on to your old religious ideas or blindness must go. That is important. All blindness about religion has to go. The caste system has to go. The dowry system has to go. All blindness about scriptures and other religions has to go. All fanaticism has to go.

Attachment to money has to go. Many people try to come to Sahaja Yoga and have become extremely honest. There are very few who have their attention on money, and they suffer a lot. And then there are people who are attached to power. They think they are leaders; they can do what they like. ìWe can achieve this, we can achieve thatî.

All such people have to understand that, this is not the way in Sahaja Yoga that you can achieve this. What you achieve in Sahaja Yoga is your own personality. Your own Self, your own maturity, your own understanding, your own way, your own role. And, in that, you also realize [UNCLEAR/if you are a real person]. And the greatest of all is that you are all born in the same body. And you are all one. And there is no difference between one Sahaja Yogi and another Sahaja Yogi.

Some Sahaja Yogis try to think that they are very higher than others. And give you ideas that are wrong. One should not do anything that is different. What you have to do is to organize yourself in such a way that you do not think that you are something higher than anyone. That will then give you ideas.

Whatever it is in Sahaja Yoga, that donít [UNCLEAR]. Supposing this body is [UNCLEAR]. It is for every particle. It is not separate for one particle and another particle. So one has to realize that you should not try to give new ideas. I know people who talk of worship of chath puja, worship of this, that – all this nonsense is not going to happen.

Donít give new ideas. You can have beautiful poems. You can express yourself in so many other ways of creativity. But donít try to create Sahaja Yoga yourself. Because it is a very dangerous thing. And all such people who have tried to do that had to get out of Sahaja Yoga after they were [UNCLEAR].

Also, I have to tell you about the books that are created without showing Me. And we should not have written any mantras into any books – I have told a hundred times. Also, I have said that no books should be sold in the programs. And the book should not be sold in any profitable way. Just as much as is required for the book to be printed and [UNCLEAR].

My photographs are not to be sold – at any cost. If you do not have photographs you are [UNCLEAR]. We are not to sell photographs and we are not to sell books at a higher price than what is needed for its publishing. Printing expenses, that you can take – but not more than that. And there is no need to print all the mantras and no need to print all those things. Because they are new people and they do not understand anything.

So all such books should be confiscated and [UNCLEAR] in a way from all centers because they were done without asking Me. And it is very irresponsible because people; the other day I saw them sitting like big businessmen with a big table and a big light on their heads, very focussed. I mean, I was amazed. How can they do that? When I have said in every lecture, every lecture, that do not give books to people; let them improve first.

And how much do you get out of it? Nothing. So why should you do something which is – I donít know – must be must have visited Rajneeshís or someplace where they do all these things. We are very different. So this is not allowed from today and nobody has to sell the books. And no book which is not sanctioned by Me can be sold. No mantras should be printed; anything which has mantras should be sent back to the center here or it should be confiscated. In the sense that [UNCLEAR].

You are not to sell these books at all to anyone. Be very careful because if you do something wrong, it comes back to Me.

So donít do all those things. I said in every, every lecture that, donít sell any book or anything, even a pamphlet. In the pamphlet you can give a little idea about Sahaja Yoga, that is all right. But not all the mantras, the [UNCLEAR], and everything up to the end – what presents you are going to give on the birthday. This is not done. So one has to remember not to do things that are against Sahaja Yoga. You must ask Me.

And this is something which is very important. Because we should not fall into the trap of these laws and [UNCLEAR] where we are stuck. We should not violate any act, [UNCLEAR], or institution. Now even if people act or anything, we should not be violent. We should be very quiet and be very humble. And keep [UNCLEAR]. And show them through our behavior that we are people who are very good. We have virtues. They donít have.

Anybody who tries to be a very strong Sahaja Yogi – ìI am the leader, I am the leaderî – I have to remove him, in any case. I have to remove him. Because such a person cannot be a Sahaja Yogi. And he cannot just go on asserting [UNCLEAR]. Moreover, the vibrations of such a person cannot be alright. [UNCLEAR].

Today [UNCLEAR], I am sorry for that. But one has to speak sometimes it is [UNCLEAR] but I have to speak of certain things that have happened in the past. And you all should know about it. Now, I have to make a request that next time, if any of you are coming, please do not bring anything that is made [UNCLEAR]. After all, this is India. You will get everything here. So do not bring anything here.

Also do not bring Me any gold. Because we have Gold Control here. And it will be a problem for Me. So donít bring Me anything that is such an expensive [UNCLEAR]. So bring Me something silver; I donít mind. Not too much. So bring Me something silver – I donít mind – not too much. Silver does not then [UNCLEAR]. Something that is artistic, economical [UNCLEAR].

Donít spend too much money. We need money for the ashram, we need money for [UNCLEAR]. So I will request you to collect money [UNCLEAR] till we start the ashram. And after a year, I will ask you to donate some money for the ashram. So, please try to collect some money in any way possible, so [UNCLEAR] the ashram will be built. [UNCLEAR].

Also, the good news is we are now building a proper ashram in Vashi. [UNCLEAR]. And that we have started already. I must say India has so many laws. Nowhere in the world will you find so many laws. So despite that, we should observe all of them. We should be law-abiding. That is one of the principles of a good life.

So we should not do anything wrong. One should know about the laws. And if one does not know, you should find out. And this will work out in a very smooth manner. Now for the next year, I would like to say [UNCLEAR/be here]. [UNCLEAR] all of the programs decided. [UNCLEAR]. And I have to just request you all, that those of you who are here on My birthday, [UNCLEAR/there are many people] – should try – each person should at least try to bring fifty-one Sahaja Yogis next time.

So I asked Mr. Chauhan, Professor Chauhan, to do that [UNCLEAR] and work it out. They found not only very beautiful Sahaja Yogis but very senior Sahaja Yogis. So you see, if you go around programs and things like that, you can spread Sahaja Yoga very fast. So within three-four years, we should get Maharashtra completely into it.

[There may be a break in recording. Resumes at another point].

Shri Mataji: Öfather is sick. There is the photograph available. See, because if you bring all of them on My Head, there is no time for Myself. So the best thing is, donít bring any sick person in. Only you yourself go and [UNCLEAR]. And donít bring them to the center. Such people come in, we tell them, ìAll right, we will come to your houseî. But donít allow them to come to the center.

Because the other day some three-four people who just entered into the hall outside and [UNCLEAR]. So I thought that if these people donít go away from the center, they will spoil everyone. All such people if they come in, say, ìAll right, we will come to your house. We are sorry, you cannot come to the centerî. But otherwise, we want stronger, healthy, good people who are coming in, to be [UNCLEAR].

I hope next year, we will be looking at a new type of Sahaja Yogi where all of you [UNCLEAR/good Sahaja Yogis]. This is My desire and hope it will be fulfilled.

May God Bless You.

[End of recording].