


We must get our own powers, and not rely on those of our Guru (1983-0129)… for example, the ability to penetrate into a subject and see immediately what is to be done; We can feel what can be done to help so many people… but also, we should not determine ourselves what we should do – the Spirit uses us, and if something does not work out, then we should not be upset about it (1996-0505); We have the power to transform ourselves, as well as others (1981-1103); You are so very powerful… in collective and also individually… whatever you want… you can have it (1992-0229); Whatever you think or want, you can do – your relation with the Divine is not imaginary, but is actual, and the Divine is dynamic (1981-1103); God’s Power is the integrated Power of all the powers (1980-0609)

You can cure others, you can give speeches on Sahaja Yoga, you can know your own problems, you can cure your own parents, your own surroundings… you can clean yourself and others (1980-0518); You can raise the Kundalini of people, and can give Realisation – even your thought is powerful, your attention is powerful (1989-0423); Each person can give Realisation to thousands of people… if he gets out of his ‘own ideas’, and this can do such a lot of good to the whole world (1998-0705)

You can feel the vibrations of others… there are some who can control the Rain, Sun, Moon, everything. Some have tremendous powers of prayers… just by praying they have saved the lives of many people; Your powers are based on love and compassion, and you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people (1992-0621); The powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga, are to work for Sahaja Yoga – we have to do it (1989-0423)

We have certain powers… and these powers increase, when we humble down – they do not increase with arrogance… with arrogance one can only become stupid… that’s the only end of arrogance (1988-0921); If you start telling others, talking about it too much, then the powers that you have got will be all disappearing gradually, and you will come down to absolutely lowest level – so don’t try to show-off (1983-0113)

The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest power on Earth… this is the power of Shri Ganesha… it is only he can do this job, that you people are doing today… and that power is ‘Raising the Kundalini’. No-one so far in the history of spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time, as you people are doing… it moves under your fingers… it is absolutely Shri Ganesha’s power which is given to you. At the time when you are giving Realisation, even if you are caught up in any one of your chakras, or you have any problem… even if you are a little bit possessed… even if you are not such a good Sahaja Yogi… even if you are not that much surrendered to Mataji… even if you don’t have much sense of obligation about Sahaja Yoga… still the Kundalini rises under your fingers. This Ganesha Shakti is given to you by Shri Ganesha himself, within you… to give you the confidence… that you can raise the Kundalini… but not the feeling that ‘you’ are raising the Kundalini – if you go on, without surrendering yourself to Sahaja Yoga… after some time… you will lose this power… very fast (1980-0127.2.2)

Another power which you have got… you may notice it… that at that time when the Kundalini rises… there will be no obstruction of any kind… whatever may be the obstructions around… say there’s a possessed person next door, he would not obstruct you at ‘that’ time… in your family there may be a person who is a negative person, but if you are raising the Kundalini, then at that moment he will be kept quiet. At that time, when you are moving your hand on the Kundalini, is the greatest power you are using… at that time there will be no obstruction on your hand by anyone what so ever… even by mistake (1980-0127.2)

Then another power you have got… when you are raising the Kundalini, that at that time… you will be completely attracting the attention of the other person within… like a magnet… by which you should understand that you can raise the Kundalini whenever you feel like. Supposing there is a lot of noise going on… all sorts of problems going on… or any such thing happening… at that time your attention will not be distracted… and the attention of the person who is taking the Realisation from you will not be attracted by outside things… at that time, when you are raising the Kundalini. That means you can give Realisation at any time (1980-0127.2)

Another power you have got, at the time of Kundalini Jagruti… that no baser feelings will rise within you… no impure feelings… about the person whom you are giving Realisation… even if you are a possessed person… maybe before and after… but not during… these dirty feelings will not come to you… automatically. Also you will be absolutely satisfied… even if you are hungry, you will not feel the hunger… or any physical need at the time when you are giving Realisation… there will be no distraction of any kind. You won’t do anything that is undignified… because you are being blessed with dignity… you will never joke… you’ll never make fun… you’ll not be frivolous… automatically. These are your supporting powers… all these five powers I have described… are very few of the thousands of others… but they are the five powers of Shri Ganesha (1980-0127.2)

Ganesha’s fifth power is the power of wisdom… and that whatever he knows, he can draw upon it and write it down – even that power, you have got. When you are raising the Kundalini, you talk to the person in such a manner… only that which is wisdom… and also you write or show him figures, automatically, which are right… even if you don’t remember your figures, they’ll come out right (1980-0127.2)

Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother… a complete dedication and complete obedience to Mother… I mean sort of, he is made out of that obedience… complete love and affection for the Mother… he doesn’t argue… he doesn’t question… he doesn’t do anything… and that’s how these powers are in him the maximum. If you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you are sadly mistaken… you have to keep me pleased… is a fact… so please don’t try to displease me… I may not say anything, because outwardly I don’t say anything… but your powers will be reduced (1980-0127.2)

Now the 3 powers of Adi Shakti work in you. One gives you longevity… and a clear-cut idea about your desires… if your desires are ‘right’, all your desires are fulfilled by this power… all your desires… all… but first… one should know… that your desires should be ‘right’… for example… why do you want… what is the purpose… are you sure about it… if your desires are clear-cut, then they will be fulfilled… absolutely one hundred percent. That power you can achieve only by putting your bandhan on your heart… whatever desire you have… you say it, and put it on your heart… means you are asking from your heart… seven times… you just give it a bandhan, and the work will be done… but don’t use it for nonsensical things… because if you use it for nonsensical things, this power will go away… use it for something special… of a higher level (1980-0127.2)

By this first power, which is the Adi Shakti’s power… or Mahakali’s power… you get all the love of all the people around… everybody will feel magnetically attracted towards you… and you will be always guided by great souls, and angels. If you come across anybody who is meeting an accident, you will stop that man from going that way… if you are in an accident, everybody will be saved… you will seldom have an accident… if you have it, you won’t be hurt much… amazing… all these powers come to you because you are the children of Adi Shakti. The whole universe of the subtle, Divine Power is looking after you individually… you’re all marked… the mark is on you… you are bearing the mark… and they are looking after you. So this power of desiring is the power that protects you… in all the ways that are possible (1980-0127.2)

It guides you… looks after you… gives you peace… and gives you tremendous faith in Sahaja Yoga. Ultimately you become filled with joy of Sahaja Yoga… and you don’t like anything else but Sahaja Yoga… to you everything is Sahaja Yoga. But sometimes you know, we are identified with our ego… and we think our ego is Sahaja Yoga… many a times I have seen it. Sahaja Yoga should be separated from that ego… and brought in our day-to-day lives… when we are meeting each other… talking to each other… that joy… we should see one ripple falling and another rising, and another falling… as you see in the sea. This power is within you… and it is working all the time… that you are loved and looked after (1980-0127.2)

Now by your second power, you will automatically meet people who are learned, and who are Sahaja… you will also read books which are Sahaja… even if you have to read some ‘other’ books, you will be able to know that ‘this’ is not correct, and ‘this’ is correct… and by that you will enrich your mind… when you will start speaking, people would be amazed… that those who have never spoken would be speaking very well… those who have never known poetry will be writing poetry. Lots of things will happen on the field of art also… those who did not know art, will do marvellously in art (1980-0127.2)

By the middle power… you will give Realisation to people… you will be able to tell… and correct… the chakras… this is all by your centre power. By this power only, you have a very great power over your Will… if you decide that you are going to be like this… you will be… if you want to be a happy person… you will be… the transformation will be at your hand… you can transform yourself… without any difficulty… if you use the central power of Mahalakshmi. Of course you will get better jobs, better money, prospects… but not too much of it… so much so that you will feel very much satisfied about it… so that your attention is more in the centre (1980-0127.2)

All other powers of Mahalakshmi you will achieve later on… but for that, your Sushumna has to be cleaned very much… and for that you have to develop detachment in life. Unless and until you develop detachment, the deeper powers of Mahalakshmi do not come up… for example, even in the smaller things, like… having connection with me… even that one… is to be a detached thing… even to say Aarti… or to do something to come forward, that ‘I’ have to do it… even to invite me to dinner… or any small thing, that ‘I’ should do it… is also an attachment… if it works out, well and good… if it does not work out, well and good. You must say that… ‘Mother, you come’… but if I cannot come, there should not be the slightest feeling of unhappiness… but should be accepted. This detachment has to be developed for your Mahalakshmi power… then, you go beyond (1980-0127.2)

Your timing will be worked out absolutely correctly… you wouldn’t have to see the time… there will be time which will be your own… whenever you will go, you will find everything worked out well. So to preserve this power of time, you must not hurry up too much… you should not be slaves of watches… just let it go… do not have any obstinacy about anything… just doesn’t matter… if it is ten o’clock… alright… if not, ten fifteen, doesn’t matter… just allow yourself to be drifted with the flow of Sahaja Yoga. If it works out, well and good… if it does not… well and good… just keep it like that… then only you will be surprised how this Mahalakshmi power improves… and the blessings of this power are tremendous (1980-0127.2)

On Vishuddhi chakra, you have 16000 powers awakened in you… as you are today… but when you speak, you don’t understand that when you are speaking, you are a Sahaja Yogi… with all these powers you are speaking… when you eat, you don’t understand that this tongue belongs to a Sahaja Yogi… you shouldn’t hanker after anything… like if somebody likes tea, he’ll go on taking 15 cups… that’s no good… or if he’s fond of one sort of food, he won’t take another food. Thinking too much about food all the time… asking for food and organising food all the time… that spoils your Vishuddhi very badly (1980-0127.2)

Then talking ill about anyone, complaining about anyone to me… will spoil your Vishuddhi – if there’s some sense… if I ask… then is alright… but all the time talking ill about each other will spoil your Vishuddhi. If possible try to talk good about others, always… by telling good about another person, you will help yourself and another person. When you judge others… you should know that you are judged by God… it is ‘His’ judgement… which is going to decide how far you are (1980-0127.2)

There may be some… in Sahaja Yoga today… who think they are great Sahaja Yogis, big people… but maybe they are not… and those who do not think that they are anything great… that they want to increase and improve their shakti… they may be the people who are occupying very high places. So, under these circumstances… one should never boast… and should not have wrong, false estimation about oneself… that is the way you can preserve your powers much better, of your Vishuddhi (1980-0127.2)

Also I have seen people start discussing me… and in a very funny way they do it… I think the best way to deal with the problem is not to speak about me… if you have to speak, then know that it has to be absolutely positive… otherwise you are harming yourself… and you are harming others… then you don’t blame me for that (1980-0127.2)

So that’s how your Vishuddhi Chakra’s problems are increasing… and they go on increasing, especially when you try to confuse yourself… and quarrel with yourself… and think that Sahaja Yoga has gained by your coming… then you catch on Vishuddhi – ‘you’ have gained, not Sahaja. By accepting truth, ‘you’ are enhanced… ‘your’ position has gone up… not the position of the truth. So this idea, from you head must go, right away… that you have any way obliged Sahaja Yoga… or that you have obliged God by coming to him (1980-0127.2)

So to keep your Vishuddhi alright is… the easiest when you keep yourself in a state of witness… and that is possible if you develop the habit, after Realisation that everything that you do is put into Nirvichara, into thoughtless awareness. If you start that habit, you will be amazed… your witness state will improve… and you will rise in your being (1980-0127.2)

It is very important to understand that without transformation you have no meaning… whatever you have been, has been useless… of no good… whatever you are transformed, you are of some use. So, whatever you have been, you do not be identified with that… but whatever you have to be, you try to be that… and with this power you have got, that ‘whatever you want, you will be that’. But some people are so funny that they say that… I want to be a donkey… all such silly and foolish people are no good for Sahaja Yoga (1980-0127.2)

Now you have got curative powers… you know that… you can cure people… but do not get into that mess… because there, Mahamaya plays her part… if I find you are getting into your head the idea that you are very much… getting involved into… for example… your brother-in-law’s father-in-law’s mother-in-law… then I’ll stop it… or you’ll get into trouble. If you start making money out of it… I’ll stop it. I do many things, by which I just stop it… and then you cannot have that power in you… on the contrary you suffer quite a lot… because you do not know how to protect yourself from all these bad things. So, before you start curing others, you first cure yourself fully (1980-0127.2)

Also you can use my photograph for curing other people. So, one should not bother about all these things… one should keep completely detached about it. So do not cure anyone… if you have to cure people, then you please give them the photograph and ask someone to work on them. You have got the power to handle my photograph… give it to others (1980-0127.2)

You have lots of powers which normally common people don’t have… because I do not tell them many things that I tell you… and thus you are a person of very rare quality… and a rare blessing. Now write it down… how many powers you have got. Try to preserve all your powers. So all of you must improve your quality… individually… not criticising others… not looking at others… but individually you should understand your capacities… and how much you have given to others… and how much you have really manifested, out of what you have got (1980-0127.2)

You have control over the Sun… over the Moon… over the tides… and over the sea, and all those things… you have… but for that you have to do little more, which I’ll tell you some other time… I don’t want you to control all these things and sit down on top of a hillock, and start showing off. Better thing is, you work it out first on human beings… and then I’ll tell you… you already have them awakened, but I haven’t told you the trick, how to do it (1980-0127.2)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1983-0113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia – see 1983-0113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25

1980-0127.2 Deep Meditation – see 1980-0127.1

1980-0127.2 Powers bestowed upon SYogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30 1980-0518 Old Arlesford, Winchester – part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30 1980-0609 Subtlety Within – Caxton Hall good 50

1981-1103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75 1983-0113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha – 5 Pujas in India

1983-0113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (+ 30 min med’n) good 60 1983-0129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (“False Gurus, & Conditionings”) good 70 1988-0921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35

1989-0423 Archangel Shri Hanumana – Margate good 45 1992-0229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60 1992-0621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55

1996-0505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55 1998-0705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50

– end – 13 Mar 2003