How realisation should be allowed to develop Caxton Hall, London (England)

How Realisation should be allowed to develop, Public Program. Caxton Hall, London, England. 15 October 1979. Most of you are Sahaj Yogis here. Now those who have got Realisation, those who have felt the vibrations, must know that they are now developing into another being. The germination has started, and you must allow the germination to work out its own way. But normally, when we get Realisation also, we do not realise that it is a tremendous thing that has happened within us. That this triggering, which is an impossibility, has taken place within us, and it has to work out slowly. It has to develop, and evolve us into that, and because we do not feel it, we do not take it that seriously as we should, our Realisation. Moreover, they are surrounded by people who have not felt the vibrations, they do not know this area; they have never seen it. As Guru Nanak has called it, it is alakshya (आलक्ष्य: unobservable). They have not seen it, they don’t know about it, they don’t know there is a power of God that exists, which understands, coordinates, cooperates with you, which is working in the collective being, which makes aware, you aware of that collective being and of others also. This alakshya, or we can call it paroksha (परोक्ष:invisible), which is not seen by any one, which no one knows about, they talk about it. They talk about the Kingdom of God, they talk about God’s Powers, Divine Power. Read More …