Short Conversation on Marriages

New Delhi (India)

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Short Conversation on Marriages, India, Dehli, December [Before 1985].

Dr Warren: (inaudible) (I think we just needa little more time?)
Shri Mataji: Now, you see the thing is, how many are really settled for marriage? Raise your hand.
Sahaja Yogi: It’s Chandra and Matti.
Shri Mataji: Not yet.
Sahaja Yogi: Not yet.
Shri Mataji: Not yet. That’s not yet settled, because told you, if he has a problem, is a problem. I am telling you very frankly:  unless and until you fully sort it out, you are not to be married. Sorry, I don’t want him to loose his job, alright?
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: You see, if he looses his job, if he has to resign and go away it’s not proper.
Sahaja Yogi: That’s right.
Shri Mataji: What will he do?
Sahaja Yogi: That’s practical.
Shri Mataji: That’s very practical.
Sahaja Yogi: Robert and Nirmala are coming they’ve been married by Arian Samaj [unsure] yesterday.
Shri Mataji: Hum.
Shri Mataji: Patrick and Madhurai have been married, I think today by Arian Samaj. They’re coming up to Delhi in two days time.

Pedro and Patricia are very happy to go ahead with the arrangement.
Shri Mataji: Three of them no?
Sahaja Yogi: And Guido and Isabelle who wish to seek your blessings for their marriage.
Shri Mataji: Alright.
Sahaja Yogi: And that’s all that I have [inaudible – apparently(?)]
Shri Mataji: Four of them. I’d also want to be-
Sahaja Yogi And five re-marriages.
Shri Mataji: Hum?
Sahaja Yogi: And five all the people who want to remarry Mother.
Shri Mataji: So five and four – nine.