Mother’s Day Puja: Talk on Children University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Seminar, Mother’s Day Puja, Talk on Children. Birmingham, England. 1985. 21 April 1985. Please be seated. Gavin has not come? Gavin is not there? The ladies with the children also must sit down for the puja. They haven’t yet arrived? Someone must go and tell them. Yogi: Somebody with a car please get up to the main point and tell people that they should arrive. Preferably a gentleman with the car. Shri Mataji: What are they doing? Yogini: We have to clear the rooms by twelve. Yogi: Mother, we have just been told that we have to clear our rooms by twelve o’ clock, so this has caused little confusion. Shri Mataji: Why? Yogi: Because the authorities would like their rooms back by twelve o’clock. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. So then… Yogi: Should they try to quickly clear their rooms as well? Shri Mataji: Yes. But I will finish the puja quite early, about eleven thirty. They could have gone then. Because if you start late, it will be late again. In any case I have to finish the puja early, because I am going earlier. Yogi: Can the many people who have cars actually help the people come back down to the hall… ? Shri Mataji: Or they might be on their way. Are they all coming together? Just see if they are coming together. Come along fast, come along. Even the people with children should come here. Ask them to come down. Yogini: Shall I telephone Mr Read More …

Seminar, Mahamaya Shakti, Evening, Improvement of Mooladhara University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Mahamaya Shakti seminar, evening, Birmingham, (UK), 20 April 1985 Shri Mataji: Please be seated.Is it all right this one?Are you recording all right?Sahaja Yogi: Yes MotherShri Mataji: So, this is how Mahamaya plays. They had planned everything. They had all the arrangements made and the sari was missing. All right. So, they came and told Me that, “The sari’s missing. So, now what to do?” You can’t have puja without the sari, according to them. [Laughter] So, I said, “All right, let’s wait. If it arrives in time we’ll have it; otherwise we can have it later”. But I was least disturbed, least upset. Because I do not have a mental conception of it. But if you have a mental conception, “Oh, we have programmed everything, arranged everything. We have done this and now it’s fizzling out.” Doesn’t matter. Nothing is fizzling out. [Laughter]But that is what we cannot do. Because you asked Me today, “What is Mahamaya?”, this is what it is. [laugh]You must learn to accept whatever comes your way. That’s one of the things. And here where we feel frustrated, angry, upset and spoil our joy, one of the things, because we make a mental projection. Mentally we calculate something. This has to be. And it’s really in a way a subtle ego feeling. Because I thought, “That’s what is destined, all right. We’ll have it tomorrow. What does it matter?” In any case I told Mr. Srivastava that I’ll be back only about two o’clock.He said, Read More …

Seminar, Mahamaya Shakti, Morning University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Mahamaya Shakti. Seminar in Birmingham (UK), 20 April 1985. I knew English were the most intelligent people, but I must say they have also very sharp and pure intelligence to get to the right point.It is said that at Sahasrara the Goddess incarnates as Mahamaya. Because the job She has to do is of a very different nature. At the heart chakra, Anahata, She has to just defend, just defend the seekers from the clutches of the evil forces which are also not so subtle. They are very gross like forms, human forms. And it’s easy to fight and have a war with them, kill them.But at the point of Sahasrara, the work is very complicated. First of all, the Sahasrara of the human beings is itself a very complicated thing.First of all, it’s not that the time is very precarious, but also every country has its own complication to add to Sahasrara. Apart from that, you know, in Sahasrara we have got the seats of all the centres, not only the seven centres we are dealing with. And so many nadis are worked out through Sahasrara. So, the chakras, where the Deities have to work, have to deal with much less complications than the Deity at the Sahasrara where there are so many centres and so many nadis, and it has to act on the Sahasraras of the seekers. Say, for the Deity at the heart or at the Vishuddhi, the people are not so complicated, they have not Read More …